Dungeon Boss

"Are you ready?" Aria asked.

"...My mind is ready, but my body isn't happy with this." Yoo Jin pursed his lips as he felt his body tremble a bit at the situation that they were going to face.

It was an instinctive reaction. A C-ranked boss. It made him laugh dryly at where he was right now.

If people heard that they were trying to take it on with just two people, especially when those two didn't have a specific Hunter rank, they would be marked as batshit crazy.

But here they were. Along with this stranger who he came across not long ago, he was about to finish cleaning up a C-ranked dungeon.

They had opened the huge door to find nothing awaiting them inside. However, the murky air that blew towards their way certainly deterred them a bit.

"Well, we can't afford to go back now, can we?" Aria was determined to get the level up.

Picking up a wolf corpse, she threw it inside the room and waited for a reaction.

Sure enough, the corpse attracted the attention of a certain creature.

The sounds of heavy chains being dragged across the floor could be heard the next second.


The sound stopped after it walked a certain distance.

"Who dares to.. disrupt my slumber!!!!!!!!" An angry toned voice came from a hidden presence.

A powerful greeting for the two contestants about to challenge the anger's owner.

Aria was not given enough time to react before thunderous sounds sourcing from the boss' steps were made.

Thump! Thump!

Each sound shook their heart. Increasing their heartbeat.

Each step made them able to see the monster's figure clearer.

A gigantic ogre wielding a barbed mace that was stained with dried blood and tied to a thick steel chain.

The boss.

He slowly turned his head towards Aria and grinned devilishly.

"Humanoid food. Looks delicious. Long time, no see. Excited." The words he uttered were strangely understood by Aria.

Rather patchy, but she knew what he meant.

As a Summoner, she would be able to understand her summons' words, but she still wouldn't know the actual language. If she had an ogre contracted to her and could talk to that one specific creature, when faced with its kin, she would lose the ability to converse with it.

This boss, not only was she not contracted with him, it was also the Ogre language that was known to be gibberish and untranslatable even by the top experts.

A System notification popped up.

[Dungeon Clear: Red Ogre

You have entered the Dungeon Boss, Red Ogre's lair. It has noticed your presence. Defeat it to survive and return to the real world.

Clear Conditions: Slay the Dungeon Boss, .(0/1)]

The pathway behind them were sealed and about to collapse down. They had to enter the boss room to save their lives.


The Ogre made a large swing towards the two. Nimbly dodging the strike, Aria and Yoo Jin braced themselves for a counterattack.

The System showed Aria the boss' basic data.

[Red Ogre | Lv. 31

HP: 12000/12000

Rage Bar: 15/100]

Aria recognized the Rage Bar and what it entailed.

Although they couldn't see it as a bar in her times, they knew of a characteristic few monsters had, and they called it 'Rampage Mode'. The thing that separated 'monsters' from other creatures like 'spirits' or 'fairies' were their minds.

These monsters were prone to corruption. Anger. Susceptible to losing their shit.

Once they rampaged, they wouldn't be able to think clearly, and everything would be focused towards destroying their enemies. Strategies were not something present in the minds of these lesser monsters.

Higher ranked monsters had more control over their minds, but were still vulnerable to this condition.

"Watch out for the Rage Bar. Once they fill that up, they will receive a boost in their stats." Aria warned Yoo Jin before sprinting across the room and utilizing her full agility.

"Yessir!" Yoo Jin also started moving.

Aria licked her lips in hesitance.

The ogre was bigger than her by a lot. He was at least 20 times her size.

Even though she allocated points to strength, it was surely nowhere near enough to deal considerable damage to the monster.


Another swing was directed at Aria. Although it missed, the attack hit the walls and created a massive crevice.

As for speed, she could still keep up with the monster's attacks and dodge them in time before something bad could happen.

"Wow," Aria huffed her breath.

'I can't take a hit from that thing.'

One full hit would be the end of it all.

"This guy is the type that uses brute force. Just like its underlings.." The stench that attacked their nostrils did not hinder their speed as the both of them charged at the humongous monster.

'Red Ogre.. My skill is tingling, telling me that I'm in danger. But its not to the point of impossibility.'

After checking her condition, she brandished her sword and stabbed it into the ogre's stomach, using it as a propeller for her to successfully reach the top of his head.

'Dianthe.' Aria called. 'Let me borrow your element.'

Complying without any rebuttal, Dianthe channeled the water element through Aria's body, making her obtain the power of water.

"[Water Blade]!!"

A powerful magic attack to deal more damage.

One was not enough, she kept driving more blades into its vulnerable parts on the head. For example: the eyes.

"[Water Blade]. [Water Blade]. [Water Blade]. [Water Blade]!"

Casting continuously like this, her mana was burnt down by a good amount.

As a result, however, Aria was able to see the ogre's health bar go down by thousands of points.

And with it, the rage bar kept on recharging.

[The Red Ogre is experiencing heavy bleeding. He will continuously lose health.]

[The Red Ogre lost his vision temporarily. He is confused by its condition. His senses and agility will decrease.]

The health bar was now in the 7000s, 5000 points less than its original HP.

The ogre seemed to have noticed the change in his condition as he wailed an angry roar.


The rage bar rose up exponentially, reaching the maximum number in less than a minute after Aria attacked his eyes.

"Kid, retreat!" Aria shouted.