
Dianthe agreed and raised her speed, reaching the end of the tunnel faster than Aria.

When she arrived at the new room, Jin-kyung was enveloped by Dianthe's own body.

The spirit protected her by sacrificing her elemental figure.

Dianthe's body was made out of water, but it still provided defense mechanisms.

However, she couldn't hold out for long. The defense she maintained started to die out.

Aria had to reach the girl in time. The goblin was persistent in hitting Jin-kyung, pushing its club further downwards to bypass Dianthe.

Dianthe couldn't feel pain, but she would take time to recover her figure.

"Dianthe!" Aria ran at her highest speed, wanting to defend in time.

Sliding on the ground, Aria paid no heed to her skin that was now scraping harshly against the ground. The injury caused blood to sprout from it.

Just in time.

She made it just in time.

The large goblin's strike was parried by [Halvargg].

Dianthe's elemental figure was gone. She didn't die, but there was a penalty time before she could be summoned once again.

Normally, she would be able to fight against the goblin's strength. However, because of the disadvantageous position, Aria couldn't escape, else Jin-kyung would be hurt.

Aria's bottom touched the ground, while her upper body was only inches away. This caused Aria to not be able to utilize enough strength.

The goblin wasn't affected by the parry and directly swung another hit.

This time, Aria had to defend against the giant club.

Even though it was a goblin, it was miles stronger than the ones she slaughtered.

"Jin-kyung, get away!" Aria had to alternate to a better position. Jin-kyung, who was sprawled on the floor prevented her complete movement.

The goblin's blade was slowly inching closer.

She just needed one good opportunity to overturn the tables.

Aria pushed her heel against the ground for support and used the other foot to kick the goblin in the head.

With each second, Aria was getting closer to the ground, which would cause the goblin's club to hit her in a vital spot.

Compared to the large goblin's robust figure, her kick was nothing more than an itch.

She just needed time!

Battles happened over a short period of time. Every second mattered.

Prolonging the battle was essential.

'Dianthe.' Aria communicated with the spirit who finished securing Jin-kyung from danger.

The time Aria struggled for was enough for Dianthe to recover her damage and come back into the battle.

The spirit hurriedly came to the rescue, launching a water attack at the goblin.

It only deterred the monster for a slight moment, but it was enough for Aria to remove her defense and roll over to the side.

She stood up borrowed Dianthe's element to cast the most fundamental skill.

"Water Blade!" A free water slicer flew and hit the goblin on the head, slicing its eyes.

Because of the short distance, the skill dealt more damage.

Above its head, Aria was able to see that the one hit alone dealt more than 500 damage.

Aria regained her balance.

Her steps slightly faltered. She exerted too much strength, causing her entire body to feel shaky.

Aria grasped [Halvargg] tightly and let out a loud battle cry.

She rushed to the monster and stabbed the blade deep inside its head, slicing it off horizontally.

The head was cut up, revealing a muddy brownish brain with a tinge of pink.

With the clean slice, the goblin's life vanished.

[Level C Large Goblin successfully killed.]

[Experience points increased by 7570.]

[You have leveled up.]

Letting out another tired sigh, Aria felt her body recover. Her light injuries and scratches disappeared.

Aria was used to the healing, but Jin-kyung, who was by her side widened her eyes.

She had some healing properties, so she planned to heal Aria to her utmost abilities. But even that wasn't needed.

Aria was completely healed. She struggled to think of such a balanced Hunter.

Powerful fighting abilities, defensive measures, healing properties, agility, refined swordsmanship, and even a Spirit to aid her.

"Savior-nim can regenerate your health?" Jin-kyung asked out of curiosity, then soon covered her mouth in hurry.

She was in no place to ask. She had been saved multiple times, and she had been nothing but trouble to the woman.

Aria sat in fatigue, shaking her head to focus.

"It's... part of my powers, yeah. Anyway, my name is Aria. Aria Schreiner. Just call me Aria, I'm not that good of a person to be called a savior." Aria took the chance to introduce herself.

"Aria.. Schreiner? Savior-nim is a foreigner?" Jin-kyung repeated her name slowly, feeling unnatural.

"My parents are foreign but I've lived in Korea for as long as I remember," Aria continued, covering up the problem of her perfect speech.

"Savior-nim is Savior-nim! Can I not call you Savior-nim?" Calling her Aria was disrespectful in comparison to her deeds.

Jin-kyung was someone who upheld her respect highly, not wanting to wrong any of her benefactors.

"Up to you, I guess.." Aria didn't have time to bother about unnecessary details. She gave up on persisting since Jin-kyung looked like a stubborn person.

She slept on the ground, giving her body a complete rest.

Sighing multiple times, she wondered why she even entered this shitty dungeon. If only she ignored it, she wouldn't have struggled so much.

'Status.' Aria called.

Aria Schreiner | Lv.19




- | Stage 2

EXP: 3226/134310

HP : 4025/4025

MP : 355/355

System Points(SP) : 20.000

Strength: 45 (+20)

Vitality: 30

Agility: 30

Intelligence: 35

Dexterity: 30

Remaining status points: 20


[Tempered Body Lv. MAX]

[Hymn of Life Lv.-]

'20 Status Points.'

She got them from the fight with the goblins, levelling up four times to reach Level 19.

Aria was conflicted on what path to choose. Every stat was desirable. She could choose to balance all the stats, but she had a foreboding feeling.

The dungeon wasn't finished. The enemy she faced was a Large Goblin, but not the boss.

Which stat would do her the most justice for the upcoming fight?