
[Golden Insignia] was an unknown entity, yet they actually had so much affiliations.

With secretive but competent members, connections with [Magnolia], and potentially other groups too as a distant relationship.

The potential they had was rather monstrous. It was a shame that they couldn't thrive in the surface workplace and had to struggle while hiding their actions carefully, not mingling with the 'light' that was the Association.

However, this was also a group that bore a resemblance to the position that Aria wanted to hold. A power that was apart from the Association. A powerhouse that existed as a lone wolf, upholding her own views and ideals.

If she wanted to make that into reality, did she have to oppose the Association as a whole and fall onto the same path as [Golden Insignia]?

Aria became deep in thoughts as she looked at the TV screen, which was still turned on.