White Fox

"Oh? Those words.. Is that an action of pity?" With a hint of mockery, White Fox uttered.

This would be her first time hearing the girl's voice. It was a distinctive, nasal voice.

Aria shook her head at the girl's words.

"Not pity, but considering differences. We are clearly stronger than the rest. They are not our opponents. What use would there be to take them down?" She replied.

"That would be true, but are you sure that you are grouping us together? Do you have the qualifications to do so?" White Fox questioned.

Aria tightened her lips. White Fox's words couldn't be said as false, but there was something about the girl that irked her.

"I suppose. I can tell that you are powerful, but who knows? Are you able to guarantee your victory?" Aria provoked back.

Since the masked girl wanted to play around and draw meaningless aggravation like that, she would do the same.