Reina Alaster

White Fox and Reina carried Aria to a medical care room, where the unconscious woman was put in a hospital-type bed and healed lightly by the operators that worked around here.

After their objective was secured, White Fox had to leave due to unfortunate matters.

Now, only Reina and Aria were left inside the room.

During her slumber, Aria would sometimes flinch or jolt and make an uncomfortable gesture.

Reina scrutinized the sleeping woman. Before Aria was silently tucked into the bed, she had confirmed repeatedly that Aria was indeed not severely harmed after receiving an attack from White Fox.

Not to mention, according to her colleague, the girl should not only be proficient in the arts of summoning but also in close combat.

She didn't know where the woman had acquired her skills from, or if she was just that blessed to have so much talents at her disposal.