Shadow Queen

"As I told you before, White Fox is being put on punishment because of her actions. She won't be participating today. In exchange, our leader is here to watch over us and also give us leeway regarding our member roster." Reina stretched, getting ready to enter. "We are bending the rules, after all."

"Are you used to this?" Aria asked, looking at the members' composed reactions in regards to Elgin's actions.

"Of course, it comes with dealing with him for a long time," Reina answered. "Come, let's go." Aria nodded, following behind their footsteps and entering the dungeon.   

Upon reaching the dungeon's insides, they were instantly greeted with a sight that made them frown in distaste.

A horde of undeads that crowded together, creating a nasty smell with their rotten flesh.

"Ahh, I really hate undeads. Ruins my mood." Reina gagged at the pungent smell.