Memory Loss

"...It's alright. Her worry is warranted for. I was the one who suggested this trial period, I was also the one who formulated the plan and all. For this, I sincerely apologize." Aria spoke.

She was willing to admit that she was the one in the wrong.

It wasn't her fault that the dungeon has such a gimmick behind it, because no one would be able to tell. However, this outing was created for her sake. Ha-young's death could be said to be part of the ending she created.

"No, I didn't mean it that way! I was just.. haah." Reina was stressed.

Everyone was stressed, understandably.

"It was my fault, my apology is a well-deserved one." Aria seriously spoke.

"Apologizing won't do anything. Why not prove it with your actions? Why don't you just join our team after this? From what I've seen, you have more than enough qualifications to enter," Elgin laughed.