A Second Volume

Aria jumped out of the base's window stealthily and escaped into the forest. She hiked up the hill that was positioned in the middle of it all, where she could view the city's condition from the peak.

She sat down and relaxed herself.

"Rallaka." she called out, summoning the spirit from the space.

The Earthen Spirit popped out, still in the form of a ball of light. Rallaka was definitely on the brink of pushing through his bottleneck, it was such a shame that it could not happen inside Leonis' dungeon.

Thinking about Leonis, it was still quite the shocking news to her that she had killed Leonis. Extinguished the last bits of his remaining life force.

She also thought about the rewards that were given from back then, but held it off as she had to make plans for today. To secure her livelihood and the following days too.

The spirit lingered around Aria, wondering for what purpose he was brought out.