Deadly Curse

"This condition.. always reminds me of the fact that I will never be able to fight like the others, who can roam about without worry and engage in intense blows without care for the repercussions."

"Alena. Listen to me and don't speak anymore. You will just harm yourself further." Aria sternly said.

The girl obeyed the request and closed her eyes. Her teeth were still gritted together, as if she was holding a massive pain back.

Aria sighed.

"I once met a child who also desired to be strong with all her might. At first, she struggled, her speed of progress was much slower than her peers. Even so, she never gave up. She practiced all the time, and did her best to overcome the gap between the progress. In the end, when others were stuck at a higher stage, she still persevered through it all, finally beating her peers."

Alena's eyes opened as she weakly looked towards Aria's way and listened to her.