Getting Warmer

"This.. are you trying to tell me that you found the boss?" Alena deduced. It seemed likely. Ilyin was the one who cast the ice in the first place, so she should be able to detect the lifeforms inside of it.

Alena grabbed around the place Ilyin pointed to her and dug the chunk of ice out, melting it using the Silver Slime's corrosive elements.

Although Ilyin could freeze things and cast icicles, she couldn't defrost her own ice, which prompted Alena to give more specific instructions and be more careful in using the Ice Spirit's power in the future.

There would be monsters that she wanted to preserve, and if Ilyin ended up damaging it beyond salvation, then she would be extremely troubled.

However, for now, the ants were of no use to her. Aria mentioned that she could take out the monsters' materials, but she doubted that she would be able to use gather any of them since Ilyin was her primary weapon.