As Her Teacher

Alena was sighing in awe as Aria did not stop even after she twirled and turned in the air, achieving athleticism was seemingly impossible to reach for the likes of a normal human.

Aria only started to lower herself down after she got off her focused mode and started to look towards Alena's way.

Alena was still dazed as she lamented her fate. Aria, who was covered in quite the amount of sweat began approaching Alena and patted her on the shoulder after sheathing her sword.

"You are back? That was rather quick, how many floors did you clear?" Aria questioned.

"Two, big sister. Ilyin got a bit out of control with her power, so I was a little bit worried that her power wouldn't suffice for another dungeon. Her showcase is very explosive, and that made her energy output extremely high. For the first two floors, I would say that we cleared it rather quickly.. with the exception of one thing that differed from your case, big sister."