New World

Teaching a little girl these kinds of things, just how low can she go?

"...Instead, you should aim for a positive encouragement. Being desperate is good, but your mentality will be constantly challenged and pressured. If you are not careful, then one day you will burst apart into pieces and would never remain the same." Aria explained, coughing lightly to clear her throat and the guilty feeling inside her heart.

She had seen so many people fall prey to this paradox where they had to be desperate and grow stronger, but at the same time, if they were pushed any further than they already were at that moment, all of their mentality would burst and crumble down into pieces.

Alena nodded, although she did not completely understand.

She did not relate to Aria's words, as she thought that she had already tasted something called bitter desperation multiple times in her life. She had been disappointed, hurt, and underwent countless hardships as a child.