Hunter Exam

"Then.. show me the way." Aria said.

"Great! Wait a minute, have a cup of coffee first. Have you had breakfast? We were actually planning to get breakfast at the same time, which is why.. White Fox is here. You know, we didn't tell her that you are going to come at all. When you passed  by the shop's window, she recognized you in one go and started launching questions, it was so funny!" Reina spilled out the beans, making the little girl who sat beside Aria stand up and start making annoyed tones.

"What are you talking about? Such a thing didn't happen! I was just wondering why this extra person is here when you clearly said that she refused to join our group multiple times! Valuable assets are valuable, but it doesn't mean that we have to stoop down so low as to try and recruit this person again and again like we don't have a shred of dignity?" White Fox questioned, raising up her volume and drawing quite the attention from the workers who prepared their food.