Last Laugh

The tide was turned successfully by Aria, and Elgin's high pedestal was destroyed as he couldn't fend off against the second attack that Aria would make every time he was able to dodge one of hers.

If he attacked once, she would dodge twice. If he dodged once, she would attack twice.

The calculations were off, and the odds were on Aria's side.

They exchanged more blows, and with time, Elgin continued to suffer more and more. In the end, he was cornered to a point where he could no longer find a way to escape or attack.

It was checkmate. He was pressured from all sides, and he knew that the fight was over.

"How cute, right? It was a good try, but it's not enough to take me down. How unfortunate. Perhaps, next time is the charm?" Aria tilted her head as she slung [Halvargg] against the side of Elgin's neck, millimeters away from reaching his skin.

The victor had the right to brag and say whatever they wanted to the loser. Aria grinned.