A Dragon, They Say

"Yes. That is what the headquarters had relayed to me. The Association had previously received a message foretelling this dungeon's appearance, giving it the exact spot and location, along with the time it will spawn. All the criteria of this newly emerged dungeon matched with said person's words, and the Association's team has also confirmed that this dungeon is easily and A-rank."

"This is.. very troubling. If you all might recall, there is already another dormant A-ranked dungeon in Seoul that we haven't resolved yet. You lots are also included in the drafts, correct? But this time.. Unlike that dungeon, we can't afford to make great preparations. The person who made the prophecy had said that.. We only have a time limit of 3 days before this dungeon breaks into the outside barrier and trespasses into the real world. We can't let that happen. Absolutely not!"