It's Her, Again

"Thank you very much. How.. will you find Alena?"

"It will be easy. Stay put here for a minute or two, I will come back with the girl right away." Reina spoke, leaving Aria with the rest of Lichte, who looked at her quite weirdly.

After some minutes had passed, Reina indeed came back with the familiar figure of Alena Croft, who had a disturbed look.

"Alena!" Aria did not question what method Reina used, and just ran over to girl.

"H-hello, big sister, but.. We.. tch. we will talk in a separate place. Big sister, please come with me?" Alena asked, to which Aria nodded and followed her quickly.

They steered off from the crowd a little bit.

There were no sites that were completely secluded, so they had to make do with a covered spot behind the temporary emergency centre for the subjugation's precaution measures.

It was filled with military people, and the noise was bustling. They whispered as they spoke to each other.