Climbing the Tower

Aria was there first, she reached the place in less than five minutes. She was still considerably tired after having fought the dragon, despite only actively engaging with the creature towards the end.

However, since she her level was now indeed in the early thirties, she thought that reaching Level 19 shouldn't be that big of a problem.

The concerning thing was level 20. The duplicates of ten should be a special level.

Although she rarely felt fear, a deep-rooted emotion sparked inside her.

What if the enemy turned out to be one of her disciples again? Or someone she was close with? Someone from the past?

She was afraid of the memories it would spark inside her.. Or the truth they might accidentally reveal.

Like with Noel, where she lacked the awareness to care about him.

She thought that she did good, that she didn't do anything to deserve being betrayed like that.