
"This should be it, right?" Aria sighed as she gazed down at the pipes, wondering if she was even going to fit into this space.

"How on Earth did Cassie manage to discover this kind of thing...? It's not exactly exposed, you know? She must've snooped around intentionally." Aria chuckled when she thought about it.

She prepared to go down, looking at the depth of the pipe and measuring her jump.

She then jumped down, managing to grip onto the narrow platform on the sides of the furniture.

"..Alright, one more step.." Aria prepared to get down even more and fall to the ground. Just then, a loud shout ensued.

"Who is there?!" Unexpectedly, before Aria was able to show herself, the kid that resided inside this room called out to her.

'Well, what I am doing is indeed creepy.' Aria admitted as she decided to get out now.