Needless Chatter

Aria was alone, without any powerful backing to say the least, and she doubted that Lichte would dare to oppose all of Blythe's group just to protect her.

She jumped to the side, brandishing her sword not towards the Xagas, but instead against Blythe. She glared at the man who had a peaceful smile plastered on his face.

'What a mess. It's no longer just a battle of power, but also the mind.' Aria was very critical of Blythe.

No one knew what he would try to pull off.

"Why are you so cautious of me, Miss Schreiner? Do you think that I will do something bad to you?" Blythe, who noticed Aria's clear distaste of him asked.

"It's not that I think of it. I'm sure that you are here to do something strange, something I won't appreciate." Aria snorted.