Not Allowed to Die

To this large-scaled area of effect, Blythe's skill did what he told it would. He protected every single human watching the fight on the ground right now, but he was made to be stationary still for the entire time.

Cha Seol-hyun, with him, did their best to protect all the members they brought.

The members were made to look at Aria facing the Serpent and maneuvering her body like she was literally flying even if she weren't. She cleverly made her way around the Serpent's attacks, dodging and defending.

She no longer cared to damage it. More like, she couldn't afford to spare a part of her mind to try and damage it. It would be risky as hell, and she wanted nothing more than to preserve her life and get out of this peril alive.

Furthermore, there was no use in wasting her stamina in attacking since the main player would be Reina, and not her. That woman had the perfect element and was taught the perfect skill for this beforehand.