
"..Are you alright?" Elgin was the first to ask. Aria had been fighting so desperately up there. He could see it. How close she was to death.

And yet, now she stood in front of him with seemingly no residue of the former nerve-wracking fight.

"Yeah. I'm pretty fine, I just need to recover and I'm all set. Didn't get injured or anything, so that's good." Aria sighed. "Reina, how do you feel?"

"..I don't know. How I feel isn't important right now. Did we... take it down?" Reina was out of breath.

Despite her fatigue, the only thing she was concerned about was whether she succeeded or not. Whether she did it right or not. She had so many doubts inside her heart no matter how hard she tried to lift herself up.

Her strength had been consumed by the attack, leaving only a shred of energy left within her, keeping her consciousness intact.