At Last, Victory

After Aria finished her story, although Xenos found it hard to trust the woman at first, the Serpent was considerably moved. Its opinion on Aria began to change.

[Do you.. promise that you would use my powers to its fullest extent? You won't waste my years, you say? You would take me to see great things..] Xenos murmured, trying out the waters.

Suddenly, it didn't feel like following Aria was an unpleasant thing.

"Naturally. Your power is something I desire. I believe that I would be able to satisfy you. Spread your wings in the world they way they should. Countless lives will perish before us, together."

[I don't like battling at all, to be honest. All this time, I was just trying to protect my home from clueless intruders who overstep their bounds.]