First Meeting

'I trusted her even though we weren't close because of her personality.'

Lorelei was the type of person that you could be assured of wouldn't get swayed by things like emotional conflicts and such. She was steadfast and reliable. Strong and responsible.

'It's a shame that she ended up betraying me.'

However, she did think that it made sense. In the entire institution, the closest companion Lorelei had was Azef Harkan.

In fact, Lorelei Rozenthal was introduced to her through Azef. That man brought her to the institution after finding her at the death's doorstep after fighting a Phoenix.

A distress call was made, and Azef went on a trip to provide aid at the scene. There, he saw Lorelei holding her pain by using a sword that was the same size as her as support. She was bleeding all over her body. Particularly, there was a large gash wound on her stomach and on the left side of her face.