The Slumbering Fairy

It was the name of a woman he both treasured and hated.

For taking care of him, giving him a chance to live, training him and cultivating his interest in swords.

For abandoning him without explanation and leaving for good despite his attachment to her.

It was cruel. Perhaps, to Leigh, he was just a child she picked up on a whim. To Ellion, she was a mother figure. Someone who he held onto for protection and care.

And for Aria to come up and say that she brought news concerning Leigh, it made his ears perk up.

"Now, without dragging things any further, I want to bestow whatever I know about Leigh upon you. I believe that you deserve to know the truth."

"I actually met Leigh a while ago on one of my journeys. She.. mentioned this place and your name. A child she had taken care of back then, and selfishly abandoned." Aria treaded carefully.