Lured Into A Trap

"Oh, please don't be so hostile. I didn't mean harm when I said that. It's normal for us elves to be able to tell simple things like that." Aria chuckled. "The problem is.. What are you guys planning to do with it? Don't tell me, you were about to keep it to yourself.. right?"

Dean and Stella looked at each other. They collectively gulped a mouthful of saliva. They were indeed planning such a thing.

They weren't all that dumb. They knew that this plan would ultimately be risky, because they had no idea where this egg even came from. But one thing they knew was that if they managed to successfully bring this egg to light or had some sort of relationship with a Phoenix, they would receive extreme recognition.

Dean was ambitious, but lazy. Ever since he was born, he was so close, yet so far from the higher echelons of the village. He wanted a high position in the village, but was reluctant to work hard for it. Stella was also more or less the same.