There's Trouble!

Aria didn't know how to react.

'But, no matter who betrayed me.. It's clear that Lorelei was tricked. Or at least, she was made into a pawn. By.. Azef?'

Aria couldn't believe it. The manipulation started from point zero. Before they even banded together and fought against all adversities that came their way.

Such a meticulous plan, was it possible?

Aria thought about it. If this entire thing, from when he collected allies that would band up to take her down, up to when they fought together and unified their strength, was a setup for her ultimate death..

She would gladly admit defeat! It meant that he placed so much trust in her abilities and was so fearful of her that he ended up making this elaborate series of events specifically aimed to attack her. In the process, who knows how many blood he had to spill, time he had to sacrifice, funds he had to give up? That amount of effort was debatably worth her, Aria Schreiner's death.