
[Halvargg] had pierced Alena's left forearm, causing the little girl to let out an anguished shriek. She slumped down, clutching her arm as she writhed in pain.

"Alena-!" Aria immediately dropped all her other movements and helped the little girl up. "Are you okay?!"

"Y-Yeah, it's no big deal, big sister." Alena fell into Aria's embrace. The pain was too much for her, and a couple drops of tears ended up spilling out of her eyes.

"You.. What do you mean no big deal? The wound is so deep.. Why didn't you dodge?! If you were incapable of doing so, just say it out loud! Why are you so persistent.." Aria frowned hard.

She thought she had perfect control over the flow of the battle. She thought she had calculated everything. If Alena showed dangerous signs, she would've immediately stopped her merciless onslaught and somehow forced the little girl to the point of surrender- but not this kind of injury.