Did I Pass?

Affected by one's state of mind.

'That does narrow the scope of the search by a lot, but I still don't have a single idea on what it could be.' Aria sighed.

The world had a lot of uncovered mysteries lying within it. Even with the extent of her knowledge, Alena's problems couldn't be fixed just yet. There was also the matter that the world had changed drastically and Alena's ailment might just be something she had no control or experience over.

She shook her head, trying to cheer her up. There was no use being so gloomy and grim.

Ilyin had turned to her side, and she now had a great amount of understanding of her existence. She had little to no fear against this curse. All that was left was displeasure and the desire to get rid of it as fast as possible.

"Hey, big sister..?" Alena called out carefully.

"Hm?" Aria responded, caught off guard after breaking out of the trance she fell into.