Seeking Help

"Aaand, he's gone."

After he left, everything came tumbling down for Aria. It was as if the last bit of adrenaline that she had within her body ran out, leaving her with nothing but limp limbs and a shred of consciousness to depend on.

"Rallaka, go on and do all of your absorption thingy. Dianthe, come out and heal me to the best of your strength.. Oh wait, you're tired as hell too, right?" Aria slumped down, lying on her back and catching her breath.

"This is gonna be a great haul! This dungeon is at least middle A-ranked. Although the mobs are low quality.. That freaky old geezer right there is about to give me a whole heap of energy, I can feel it~" Rallaka excitedly flew around the dungeon and extracted whatever he could from the area.

Meanwhile, Dianthe lingered around Aria, trying to soothe her by any means possible.