A Fellow Puppeteer

Aria pursed her lips, bracing herself for what was to come.

The flickering sound continued to reverberate throughout the room. She could feel that the ground below her was shaking and rumbling, and crisp sounds of gravel falling from the ceiling added to the frightening atmosphere.

"Alena, hold my hand tight." Aria did not want to be separated from the girl.

Although a little shaken, Alena tried her best to stay calm and cling to her big sister.

Aria had it a little better. She had tons of experience fighting in no light at all, so her night vision was somewhat exquisite. Even though she couldn't perfectly see what was in front of her, she was still able to make do Dion Allegra's figure.

"Welcome~" A creepy, static voice greeted them from who knows where.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Chimes of happy, yet eerie sounding bells resounded throughout the room.