Everyone's eyes widened when they saw him arriving. Sho's hair was cut short and he's wearing piercings on both ears. He is also wearing round eyeglasses, a pair of black pants and dark blue knitted sweater.
"Nani? First time to see me like this?" He raised a brow as he knew that the only person who saw him like that was Fuyu.
He is usually hiding his piercings with his long hair and since he got his hair short, he will not be able to hide it for some weeks. He took a can of beer and opened it but before he could even drink, he saw Fuyu coming out from the powder room.
He stopped for a while when he saw him wearing a dark blue silk dress with a large ribbon at her lower back. She paired it with dark blue high heels and a pearl headband.
Now, he feels like he went back to his university years. That's how Fuyu looked when she was still studying. That time, she got a bunch of suitors and admirers but the only one who can push them away is her childhood sweetheart, Yoshino Hokuto who is already a Hollywood actor.
Who would have thought she would end up as his personal assistant? He will never be able to forget about it, the day she walked in his shabby office to apply as his personal assistant. His company was still small that time but he got a few applicants for the position.
Now, she has grown into a beautiful and matured woman. Her sad and puffy eyes that time became one of the most beautiful already. Her eyes are glowing like the illuminations at night.
"Kaichou, should we start the party already?" She cut his reverie out and he nodded. He started drinking and then, he took his seat at the side to watch them.
She took a glass of wine and started drinking. When she saw him at the side, she smiled and took the chair to sit beside him. He looked at her and saw that playful smile on her face.
"Nani?" He asked but she shook her head and drank more wine. Riku and Gia finally arrived. They arrived with lots of paper bags filled with gifts.
"Gia!" She waved her hand and smiled widely. The older quickly got a glass of wine and clinked their glasses together before drinking.
"Looks like someone decided to wear the same color." Gia started to tease them as Fuyu just realized that they are both wearing dark blue clothes.
"Chigau. You know that my favorite color is blue, desho?" Fuyu can feel her cheeks heating up but she ignores it.
"Hai, hai. Favorite color. Kaichou, Fuyu looks so pretty with her dress, desho?" He raised a brow while looking at them. He saw Fuyu expecting an answer from him.
"Isn't she always pretty?" He simply said and stood up to talk to Riku. Gia can see that the younger is blushing so hard, so she continued on teasing her.
"Fuyu-chan, Kaichou is so handsome, desho? Don't you like him?" Gia asked and Fuyu drank more wine.
"Who would not like him? He is kind and sweet." She mumbled and Gia smirked. She wrapped her arm around her shoulders and dragged her towards Sho.
"Kaichou, here's your woman. Handle her well." Gia pushed her towards him and she almost spilled the wine. Sho wrapped his arm around her waist in order not to let her fall.
He glared at Gia and clicked his tongue. Fuyu quickly fixed herself. She suddenly remembered what happened last night. Though he really didn't do anything, seeing herself on top of him is giving her a fuzzy feeling.
"Let's talk for a while." He suddenly said and she slowly nodded, following him inside his office. She closed the door behind her and then, he gestured to her.
"Sit here." He patted his office chair. She hesitated but since it was an order, she followed it. She sat there and felt weird. It is her first time to sit there.
"What will we talk about?" She asked and started playing with his office chair by twirling it around. He stopped her and leaned his face closer to hers.
"Would you like to be my date this Christmas, Hasegawa Fuyu?" She was taken aback with his question. She leaned her head away and rested her back on the seat.
"Well.. yes. Why not?" She mumbled before looking away with a crimson face. He smiled widely before leaning back.