Chapter Nine

"Are you in position?" Jez asked through the Communicator, watching the tall building closest to him. "Yes," said Michelle, Merlin, Matthew and the Black Knight, and Jez nodded to himself, reminding that it would be ok. "Sir, how come you brought two swords with you?" asked the Black Knight, and Jez realised he must have noticed before they parted towards their position posts. "Just in case I need two," Jez replied simply, not wishing to reveal the real reason why he thought that he would need two of the deadly weapons. "Are we sure the Army isn't watching too?" Michelle asked, and Jez was unprepared to answer. "We didn't check," he mumbled, quickly looking around as the black clouds blocked the moon from sight and rumbled loudly. "Check your positions!" Jez hissed, quickly looking around to make his own was secured.

"Ok, Matthew and Michelle, you two move in. Make sure the surrounding area is locked down. We cannot have the Army interfering." The two confirmed what Jez said, and then their Communicators briefly went offline. "Sir, I am not sure this is a good plan. We need a bigger crew," the Black Knight said. "Remember I am in charge. I saw that we have been watching his movements for a week. We still dunno where he lives, but trust me, he will be here tonight. I guarantee it." The Black Knight hissed with frustration, but then Merlin cut through. "Guys, look! The top of the black building!" Jez looked up and gasped. A figure in a bright blue suit was leaping onto the roof of the tall building and then running down its side! "Merlin, Black Knight, Michelle and Matthew, set a perimeter outside the building and alert me if anyone else enters. I'm going in."

The others let sounds of surprise emit from their Communicators, but Jez moved away from his position, slid down a ladder at the side of his own building, and then sprinted towards the entrance. There was a loud splat, and a body hit the ground right next to Jez. Blood splattered the walls, but he ignored it, entering the building and then quickly scaling the stairs closest to him, climbing higher and higher towards the floor he was sure the figure had entered. "Jez!" shouted Merlin as Jez arrived on the second floor, and he activated his Communicator, stopping to catch his breath. "What is it?" he asked through pants, and Merlin sounded anxious as he said, "Someone in a red suit just entered the sixteenth floor!" Jez groaned, deactivated his Communicator, and then continued climbing the building, each step feeling like a challenge as he now arrived on the fourth floor.

"They're talking! And someone else just entered the room!" Shouted Matthew as Jez staggered onto the sixth floor. "I'm going as fast as I can!" Jez grunted to himself, now reaching the seventh floor and proceeding onto the eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth. "A few Zodiacs just entered the room, the other two left and now the Spectre is fighting them single-handedly!" the Black Knight exclaimed. Even Jez was impressed by how long this Spectre was lasting. "Where are you now?" Michelle asked, and Jez, through a constrictive throat, groaned "Fifteenth!" He stopped, letting his breath return, and then he made the final climb onto the sixteenth floor. He stopped beside the opening to the sixteenth floor, seeing a Zodiac with a knife fall to the Spectre, his mask on the floor and his face exposed. Jez was mightily impressed, so he started clapping.

Clap...clap...clap...clap...clap. The slow, repetitive clap filled the room, and the Spectre turned to face him, his eyebrows raised. "You come for more?" he snarled, reaching up to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and Jez shook his head. "I just came to give a warning," Jez said, bowing his head in a sign of respect before saying, "The General sends his regards." He saw the Spectre flinch, as though the word General brought back a memory, or something similar. "Who are you?" the Spectre asked quietly, running a hand through his bright blue hair, and Jez shrugged, unzipping his black jacket and throwing it aside, revealing his muscled torso covered only by a vest. "To give a warning. I will not be the one to kill you. I'll leave it for the General, so he can finish his job."

The Spectre looked angry. Very angry. A growl escaped his mouth and, without warning, he ran forward, tackling Jez to the ground. Jez felt winded as he hit the ground, but he was quick to roll aside as the Spectre slowly stood, cracking his elbow onto the ground just as the Spectre moved aside. Jez quickly got to his feet and ducked as the Spectre punched three times. Jez saw an opening and took it, managing to elbow the Spectre in the back of the head and then kick him in the chest, sending him falling to the ground and skidding backwards. "Zack!" a man in a red suit yelled, running into the room with a look of terror on his face as he helped the Spectre, Zack, to his feet. "I thought I told you to get out of here," Zack growled, and when the man seemed unable to respond, he said, "Just go, I said I can handle it."

The man in red nodded, staring at Jez, whose face was covered by a black mask and then rushing out the room. "Want to do this a more traditional way?" Jez asked, and the Spectre looked surprised, staring at Jez with curiosity etched onto his face as though he were stone. Jez reached towards the two skinny fencing swords at either side, drew them, and then tossed one to Zack. The Spectre snatched it from the air and observed it, looking slightly taken aback. Jez waited for Zack to stop observing the sword, and then Zack spoke, his voice not as rough and hard as Jez imagined. "You seem like a decent, worthy and fair person. There should be no need for this." Jez knew that, perhaps, this Spectre was right, that there was no need for this. Then he said, "As do you. It will be a great pain to slaughter someone as courteous as you."

Jez hesitated, and then reached up, taking away his mask and then tossing it aside. Zack's eyes widened in shock, but then Jez cut the Spectre's moment by saying, "Ready." Jez quickly spread his legs apart and levelled his sword with his left hand, expecting the battle ahead. Jez waited for Zack to do more, but when he kept still, Jez darted forwards. He swiped his sword through the air five times, feeling an adrenaline rush as the Spectre parried and blocked each blow, his sword gripped in his left hand, moving backwards quickly with Jez following. They paused, staring into each other's eyes, and then Zack made the first move. He drove his sword through the air quickly. Jez stepped back, parrying the blow easily, and then they stopped yet again. "You know your way with a sword," Jez said, making a quick gesture to the sword he had given Zack, and the Spectre chuckled, bowing his head.

Jez even grinned slightly, and then he stepped forwards, the sword once again slashing this way and that through the air. Zack stumbled backwards, never taking his eyes from Jez's face as the silver clashed through the air. They stopped moving, and Zack began pushing Jez back and slicing his weapon through the air, to which Jez blocked and dodged. The two moved back and forth across the room, taking it in turns to move forward as their swords slashed and diced. "You are decent," Jez said after several minutes, finding himself being forced closer to a wall. "I have worked hard to become so," Zack admitted, his own sword flying through the air with grace. "I admit, I have never faced an opponent such as yourself," Jez panted, barely able to block and parry with his left hand. "If I am so good, why are you not afraid?" Zack replied.

Jez found himself chuckling to that, his back now pressed up against the wall, sword flashing before him. "Because I know something you are oblivious to!" Zack hesitated slightly as his sword danced through the air, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. "This is my practising hand!" Jez hissed, pushing Zack away, throwing his sword into the air, and then catching it with his right hand. He quickly sliced through the air, and Zack ducked, waiting for the sword to slash over his head before rising and striking back. Zack felt himself being pushed back even further, his sword driving and slicing through the air like a wild beast set loose. "You are amazing," the Spectre said, barely able to keep up with Jez's speed, and Jez chuckled before replying with, "I should be after killing a lot of people." That last part was not true, but Jez just wanted to intimidate the Spectre even more.

He waited several more seconds before lashing out, kicking the Spectre in the chest, forcing him into a wall, and then leaning on him. "There is something I should mention..." Zack grunted, and Jez cocked his head to the side, confused. "I also practise with my left hand," Zack growled, switching hands with the sword, shoving Jez away, and then resumed the fight. Jez was amazed by the Spectre's speed and cunningness as he swept the attacker's weapon away, sweat dripping from his forehead. Zack slashed twice more and then swept upwards, catching Jez's sword and sending it flying across the room. Jez froze, looking at the sword that landed a short distance away, at Zack and back again. He then attempted to retrieve the sword, rolling along the ground, snatching it up and then turning to face Zack, sword raised.

The Spectre had not moved, looking if anything amused at Jez's attempt. "You didn't attack?" Jez asked, surprised, and Zack nodded, a small smile now appearing on his face. "You are a strange, strange man," Jez mumbled, feeling ashamed for some reason. The Spectre chuckled and held his sword ready, an indication, "Your move." Jez sighed, raised his weapon, and lunged at Zack's heart. Zack parried the blow aside and moved backward as the bright silver of Jez's sword slashed where he had just been. "You have proven yourself to be a worthy fighter," the Spectre panted, clearly exhausted from the fight, his sword still flashing as Jez attacked. "I thank you for that. But there has to be only one winner tonight," Jez muttered, looking determined. "Very well," Zack whispered. Zack kept moving backwards, taking long strides before suddenly jumping mightily into the air.

He rolled over Jez's head, landed, spun on the spot and then pointed his blade to Jez's neck. Jez waited, and when the Spectre did not cut him down, he parried the blow aside, continuously swinging his own through the air, and then he stumbled over his own feet. The Spectre did not waste a second with locking swords with Jez before dramatically swiping upwards, yet again sending Jez's weapon across the room. Jez stood still, not knowing what to do, and Zack aimed his sword at Jez's chest. "Forgive me for this, I hope," he said, and then he jabbed forward. Jez spun aside; grabbing Zack's outstretched forearm and then flipping him through the air. Zack lay stunned, and Jez turned, sheathing his weapon, grabbing onto a bar from the zip line, and then using it to zip down. The wind rushed past his face, stinging his eyes, and then he was on a hard roof, rolling from the hard impact and coming to a quick stop.

He was out of breath, but then four shapes surrounded him. "What the hell happened?" asked Matthew, looking down curiously at the Zodiac who realised, with a groan, that he had left his own jacket behind. "He...disarmed me from my other sword and we duelled. He got the upper-hand at the last second, and I was forced to flee," Jez lied. He would not let the others find out he had been respectful to a Spectre. "Well, what now?" Michelle asked, and Jez shrugged, glancing back up at the building he had just escaped. "If you're thinking about going back up there, it is no use," the Black Knight said, "The Army just arrived and they are setting to work searching the area. We need to get out of here." Jez sighed, knowing the Black Knight was right, and then he nodded. "Looks like we are going home."

Merlin hurried to be beside Jez as he led them from the short building roof and onto the streets below. "The Spectre Games are tomorrow, I do not think your father will be pleased by this," he advised, but Jez ignored him. He honestly did not care what his father thought at this moment in time. All he needed to do was get his crew out of here, and then he could worry about his father. "Do we know how close they are?" Jez asked after several quiet minutes passed, and the others shrugged, not knowing either. "We might have gotten away just in time," Michelle suggested as they hurried down an alleyway. "Yeah...maybe," Jez muttered. He did not tell the others this, but he had a suspicion that the Spectre had something to do with the Army not finding them.

The walk home was long. It took five hours, meaning it was four in the morning by the time they finally struggled into the school and knocked on the General's office. Jez expected his father to be asleep and was surprised when the door opened, revealing a wide-awake General. "What happened to you lot?" he asked, taking in their soaked clothing and especially Jez's bruised face. "A little skirmish with the target," Jez mumbled, not meeting his father's eyes. He heard the General sigh, and then, surprising Jez even more, he stood aside, letting them all inside. "I take it he is still alive?" the General asked as he shut the door behind him, and Jez nodded, looking at the floor instead of into his father's cold eyes. "I would expect nothing more. You are good fighters, but this is one of the last Spectres around. He was bound to beat you all in a fight."

Jez felt himself blush, although he was not sure why, and no one said anything more. "Go home. Except for you, Jez, I need to speak with you about something important." The rest of the crew nodded and quickly exited the room, leaving Jez alone with the father he had learned to hate. "I want to know something," he said, something like venom in his voice, and Jez nodded. "Are there any students who are trying to help the Spectres?" This was not what Jez had been expecting, and he fumbled on his words before finally managing to say, "Not that I know of." The General made a sound that could be best described as curiosity, and he resumed pacing before Jez. "This is something you need to go undercover for. You need to find out of there are any students who are helping Spectres."

Jez had not even dreamt of being given a second opportunity by his father, which was why he did not waste a second in saying, "I will do my best." The General chuckled, satisfied with the answer, and then indicated that Jez could leave. Jez made a final salute to his father and then hurried away.


"Where were you last night? You missed out on our book club!" Zara said, as though thinking nothing was more important than a book club. "I was...busy last night," Jez replied, trying to steer the topic in a different direction, but to no avail. "I even went to your house, and your father said you were not in. So now please tell me where you were!" Jez sighed, looked around to make sure no one else in the classroom was listening, and then he whispered, "I was in a place called Spectre City." Zara's eyes widened and Jez went back to his math, feeling her gaze on the back of his neck. "You killed a Spectre?" she asked, fear and anger laced into her voice, and Jez was quick to deny it. "No, I was respectful. My father sent me there to kill him, but I gave him a sword, and he beat me in a fair duel."

Jez was not sure what shocked Zara more, the fact that he fought a Spectre or the fact Jez had made sure it was a fair fight. "The General really hates Spectres," she whispered, and Jez laughed quietly, "Only just come to that?" Zara shot a quick glare at Jez, quickly scribbling in her own math book, and then the bell rang. "Saved by the bell," she sighed, standing and packing her books into her bag. "I'll see you tomorrow?" she asked, and Jez nodded, "Of course." She gave him a quick wink, whispered, "Don't go killing any Spectres," and then left with the rest of the class. Jez did the same, but now his mind was racing. His father had told him to keep an eye out, but wasn't this alone suspicious for Zara? Jez knew there was only one way to discover the truth.

So he followed her. He kept far away, only just able to see her as they left the school grounds and headed up the road to the apartment block where she lived. He stopped when she entered, waiting right around the corner. Nothing happened for twenty minutes, and just when Jez was about to go inside, the door swung open, and Zara and her father stepped out. "Just be careful, Zara," her father said, anxious, and Zara chuckled; the sound piercing Jez's skull and instantly making him feel nauseous. "I forgot more medical supplies, but if you head over to my office in the hospital, you will find other food and medicine in the cabinet," her father continued, the anxiety never leaving his voice. "I know dad, I do this every week," Zara said, annoyed, and Jez heard the doctor sigh.

" careful," he murmured, and again, Zara chuckled, saying, "I'll be fine dad." "If the General ever found out –" "He won't find out!" Zara cut across her father, and he sighed. "I have to go now," Zara said, and then Jez heard the sound of a door opening before quickly snapping shut. He peered around the corner, making sure the way was clear, and then he darted out from his hiding place, following the unaware Zara. He watched her run into the hospital through the main entrance, and he crouched behind a bush, watching the two front doors with bated breath. Time ticked by, and then she emerged, carrying a box of medical supplies and a picnic basket. She then did what Jez did not expect. She turned and ran straight into the Black Forest!" Jez grunted as he rose from his crouch and sprinted after her. He was sure that she had not seen him, but he wouldn't risk it just yet.

He kept crouched as he moved between the trees and leaves, quickly ducking from sight every time her head moved to look behind her. He followed for twenty minutes, ducked behind a tree to quickly catch his breath, and then voices filled the forest. He looked out from behind the tree and saw something he had not noticed before. In fact, Jez was sure he had never been this deep into the Black Forest before because there was a large rectangular fence that stretched off a distance, the top barbed and a small hole in the wire fence. "This should be enough food and medical supplies to last you for another week," Zara said, and he was shocked to see that she was speaking to an old Spectre! "Thank you, Zara, you are too kind," said the Spectre, taking the medical box and basket that Zara handed through the hole.

"I'm... so sorry for what my people are doing to you," Zara said, and the Spectre bowed his head before turning and hurrying off with the supplies, most likely to give to others. Jez could not take his eyes from the inside of the prison, however. He saw many Spectres standing before a tree each, their faces bruised and bloodied as they hacked into the wood with axes. More Spectres were seen using pickaxes to smash into large stones, and even more, were lifting small boulders and throwing them into a large pile. Even as he watched, three of them simultaneously collapsed from the heat of the sun. Jez turned his attention back to Zara and saw her preparing to head back, so he chose that moment to step out from the tree and block her path. "You're a traitor!" he snarled.

Zara stopped dead, he eyes wide with shock. "Jez!" she shouted, "You followed me?" Jez clenched his fists by his side, anger ripping through him mightily, "How can you help these people? They drove us from civilization and killed my mother!" Jez screamed, feeling the fury welling up. Now Zara was the one who looked angry. She stood tall, clenched her own fists and shouted, "No they didn't!" Jez wanted to hurt her, more than he had ever wanted to hurt anyone in his life, but he did not proceed. "You have been fed lies your whole life!" Zara continued, now screaming herself, "Everyone wants you to believe Spectres are evil!" Jez was now reaching his breaking point but he refrained from attacking her, instead turning on the spot while shouting, "My father will hear about this!" He heard her start stuttering, bewildered.

"'re my friend..." she said desperately, her voice dying down, but Jez started marching away. "You're mother wasn't killed by a Spectre!" That last part forced Jez to freeze, processing what Zara had said, but then he continued marching off, anger boiling inside of him. He did not care about the darkening sky or the fact that he should be preparing the house for his father to return home, but he instead marched straight into the school itself and into his father's office. It was empty, but then Jez had an idea. He left the office quickly; making sure the door was shut behind him before stalking the corridors before finally finding the Kernel's office. He opened the door without invitation and found his father and the Kernel sitting side-by-side at the desk. They both looked up from the screen and stared at Jez.

"Father," Jez said, saluting quickly, and when his father nodded he said, "I have something very important to say." His eyes briefly trailed over the desk, and he saw the drawer of the actual desk open, a knife inside, the butt of it a bright gold. A memory flashed through his mind. It was of his mother lying dead on the kitchen floor, a knife stuck into her chest, its butt gold. "What is it?" the General growled, and Jez froze, "Oh...Erm...I just wanted to say that I'm looking forward to my first Spectre Games tomorrow," he replied quickly. His father now looked bored, but the Kernel looked like he considered Jez's words. "That is understandable. The Spectre Games always an exciting highlight of the year," he said.