Chapter Twelve

Jez awoke with a start when freezing cold water was poured onto him, and he scrambled to be on his knees, seeing the General and Kernel standing before him, several Zodiac soldiers also behind them. "What happened?" growled the General, and Jez made sure to wipe his wet hair from before his eyes before hurriedly saying, "I had him! He was so close to becoming mine! But someone hit my over the head from behind and I got knocked out!" the General sighed, outstretched his hand, and helped Jez to his feet. "Now we cannot blame you for that," he said, and the Kernel stepped forwards. "The Spectre, I am afraid, has escaped yet again. But we have successfully captured this town and the Duke." The General nodded, looking satisfied with the information, and then he turned to the Kernel and said, "Gather them into the centre of town."

He then indicated to Jez, and he followed his father from the Weapons Room and towards a silver car, where Jez got into the passenger's side whilst his father climbed into the driver's side. "Why are you gathering them into the centre?" Jez asked, and the General chuckled as he started the engine. "Because we can't have any witnesses," he answered simply, and Jez immediately looked around in horror, screams loudly filling his ears as smoke began spiralling from the centre of the town. "You're burning them!" he shouted out, surprising the General, who looked at him as he drove the car out the main gate. "I told you, no witnesses," the General confirmed, but Jez was still speechless. "We can't just burn all these people! Some of them might not even know what happened!" Jez protested, and now worry was all he could see in his father's eyes.

"Jez, are you feeling alright?" he asked as he drove down the dirt road and pressing his foot on the accelerator, the car shooting off. "I – yes, I am fine," Jez said, keeping a lid on his fury at his father, and his father nodded, looking satisfied as he returned his attention to the dirt road. They drove for only an hour, and they arrived back at the school. "I need to go for a walk," was the first thing Jez said and, ignoring his father's protests, he stepped out the vehicle and headed straight towards his house. When he was sure his father had gone inside the school, he made a quick diversion and plunged himself into the Black Forest. He sprinted hard, rushing through the trees and leaves, barely able to think until he came to a skidding halt right besides Zara, who was waiting beside the silver fence.

"Where have you been?" she hissed, and Jez shook his head, letting his breath return before saying, "I was sent to kill the Spectre." Zara gasped, staring at Jez with wide eyes before firmly taking his hand, "Did you?" she asked, and Jez shook his head. "Trust me, this Spectre is evil. I almost put an end to it all, but then someone knocked me out from behind," Zara looked like she wanted to protest, but she did not. Instead, she turned to the sound of running footsteps, seeing Rose running towards the hole in the fence. Tears were running down her face, Jez noticed, and then, through a cracked voice, she mumbled, "I have been chosen for the Spectre Games!" Together, he and Zara gasped in shock. "I can't believe the Spectre Games are so close already!" Zara moaned while Jez waited a moment before asking, "Can you get all the Spectres at the main entrance tomorrow night?"

Rose looked confused, but then she nodded quickly. "What are you thinking, Jez?" Zara asked, and Jez sighed, looking around behind them and then saying, "I am breaking the Spectres out tomorrow night." Zara scoffed and Jez turned to her, seeing that she looked unimpressed. "Don't think for a second you are doing this alone," she said, crossing her arms, and Jez immediately protested. "No! Zara, I love you, you cannot possibly help! If the General or Kernel were to find out then they would have you and your father executed!" Zara rolled her eyes and, when Jez sensed she would not change her mind, he exasperatedly said, "Fine! You can come!" Zara thanked Jez, turned to Rose, and the two began discussing something that Jez could not hear. All he wanted to think about was the mission he had just set himself.

He went home that night, knowing his father would still be in his office, and when he woke in the morning, he immediately rushed from the house, headed to the school and then trained. He usually trained for an hour or two daily, hence why his muscles were so large, but tonight was going to be something he was not prepared fully for. So he trained. One hour...two hours...three hours...four hours...he even lost count as he furiously pushed himself further, speeding on the treadmills and then punching the punching bags, his knuckles quickly growing bloody and bruised. Something passed out of the corner of his eye, and he looked over, but nothing was there. He thought, for the smallest of moments, that he had seen a man wearing a green tunic and bright white tights. Then it was gone, and the space where he had seen the man was empty. Jez shook his head, realising it must have been a simple hallucination, and then he continued with his training.

"I thought you might be here," said a voice, cutting through the gym clearly, and Jez looked over his shoulder, seeing a man in jeans and a white shirt leaning against the entrance door, his black hair falling over his forehead and his brown eyes piercing dangerously at him. "Something I can help you with?" Jez asked, thinking that his voice was slightly familiar, and then the man stepped forwards, turning quickly to lock the doors and then fully facing Jez. "Just thought I would drop by and give you a message," he said coolly, approaching Jez quickly, raising his fist, and striking him in the chest. Jez fell backwards, coughing, while the man towered above him. "That quick to forget me?" the man asked and Jez, recognising his voice, stood. "The Black Knight," he muttered, and the man bowed his head in acknowledgement. "I have been following you for over two months now. You should not be making friends out of Spectres, Jez!"

Jez sighed, feeling dread in the pit of his stomach, and the Black Knight said, "Now I think it is time I alert the General to your...misdeeds." Jez clenched his fists as the Black Knight began turning away, and he ran forwards, throwing fist forward and punching the Knight across the face. The Black Knight stumbled backwards, spitting blood from his mouth as he glared at Jez. "If you want to finish this now, then be my guest," he snarled, charging forwards, tackling Jez around the middle and sending them both crashing onto the floor. The Black Knight rolled atop of Jez, both his hands crushing against the latter's neck. Jez made a spluttering sound, trying to pry the Black Knight's fingers from around his throat, but the Black Knight was far stronger. "Good luck trying to a coffin!" the Black Knight grunted as Jez gasped and groaned, and then Jez reached up, jamming his fist into the Black Knight's side.

The Black Knight gasped, his grip around Jez's neck loosening, and Jez wrestled the two hands away from him before raising his knee, striking it into the Black Knight's stomach, and then rolling him from above him. The Black Knight was trying to breathe, quickly standing, but Jez was quicker. He elbowed the Black Knight in the chest, backhanded him across the face with the same hand, and then kicked him in the stomach, sending the Black Knight crashing onto the ground. Jez stood over the Black Knight, holding his neck, and then he approached, the anger inside him threatening to burst out. He held himself cool, waiting for the Black Knight to lock eyes with him, and then he kicked down, hitting the Black Knight in the face and knocking him out. Jez looked around, making sure the security cameras were not blinking red, which meant they were on, and then he dragged the Black Knight away, stuffing him into the supply closet, locking the door, and then hurrying from the gym.

His phone buzzed, and he checked a new text message he had received. It was from Zara, one of the few he had ever received, and it told Jez to meet him by the hospital immediately. Jez took one last look around the room and then ran from the gym, headed towards the hospital. He immediately walked inside and found Zara waiting in the lobby, but she turned around with delight when Jez closed the doors behind him. "We don't have long. The Spectre Games are a couple of days. The sooner the better," she told him, and Jez agreed as they headed into a medical room. He watched as she flung a white coat over her clothes, grabbed a medical kit, and stood before Jez. "How do I look?" she asked, and Jez nodded, "Amazing." Zara thanked him, put a few more items into the medical kit and approached the doors.

"Does your father know what we are doing?" Jez asked as they headed down a set of stairs and back towards the lobby, and Zara blushed before saying, "Nah, he'd kill me if he found out." She paused for a couple of seconds as they opened the doors to the lobby and stepped out into the cool air, "But he won't find out so we will be fine." Jez looked at her, quickly grasping her hand, squeezing it tightly, and then letting go as they entered the Black Forest. "Are you sure you want to risk everything on this?" Jez asked, concerned, and Zara nodded without a second's hesitation. "Jez, I want to do this. It is the least we can do for these people!" Jez nodded, at least satisfied she wanted to do this for the greater good.

"We're almost there," she whispered, suddenly pointing to the trees on their left as they headed down the path and saying, "Hide in the forest until the moment is right." Jez nodded and, within seconds, he disappeared against the black trees. Zara continued down the path and found herself coming to a stop beside a small, white lookout station, just outside the main gates. She heard the two Zodiacs waiting outside in the rain complaining. "Why the hell did the General decide to leave us out in the rain like this?" The other agreed, looked around, and spotted Zara. "What can I do for you?" he asked, stepping out into the rain further, and Zara replied with, "I am here to treat a very sick Spectre." The Zodiac looked confused and looked at his partner, who shrugged, apparently not knowing what to do either. "Where's the doctor?" he demanded.

Zara had not expected that, but she recovered without them suspecting a thing. "He is treating a pregnant Spectre. He sent me." The Zodiac still looked confused, and then, to Zara's horror, he raised his radio to his head while saying, "I need to call this in." In a flash of movement, Jez ran out forest and tackled the Zodiac as he ran, sending the Zodiac and himself out of sight besides the white building just as the other Zodiac looked around. "Where the hell did the other guy go?" he asked Zara, looking around, and then glancing over his shoulder as Jez leapt from behind, kicking the Zodiac in the face and sending him flipping through the air. The Zodiac inside the lookout, who was the only one who could open the gate, stood from his chair, eyes wide in horror as Jez opened the door and stepped inside.

Fearfully, he struck at Jez, but Jez grabbed his arm, kicked him in the thigh and then finally flipped him over his shoulder and onto the concrete floor. He saw a large red button amongst the others on the console, and he pushed it, a loud ring sounding as the gate slid open. Jez ran outside to greet Zara, who was grinning at him widely. "Nice one," she said, and Jez chuckled, "You too." They both turned their heads to greet the Spectres. No one was there. The way before the gate was completely deserted. "Jez...where are the Spectres?" Zara asked, sounding worried, and a loud crunch made them both spin on the spot to find the Kernel standing in the pouring rain, several other Zodiac Soldiers behind him. "Welcome, Jez," he said, grinning, and then turning to Zara and exclaiming, "And Zara! The General is going to be very disappointed with the two of you!"

Jez felt his heart drop into his stomach as fear consumed him. How had the Kernel known they were going to be here tonight? "You two," the Kernel said venomously, pointing at both Jez and Zara while he glared, "Head down to the General's office. He can decide what to do with you!" Jez sighed, defeated, and he took Zara's hand, ready to lead her past the Kernel. "Actually..." the Kernel said, and Jez paused, waiting with his breath shortened. "I don't like traitors," he muttered, unclipping an object from his right thigh and then, as though in slow motion, raising it to chest height. A loud bang cut through the night, startling Jez, yet he felt no pain at all. He looked around, and saw, with horror, Zara falling to her knees, blood soaking through her clothes against the rain. She looked up to stare at Jez, her eyes pleading, and then she fell backwards, sprawling against the dirt.

Jez hardly even remembered what happened next. All he remembered were screams and shouting spilling from his mouth and grappling against the Zodiacs, who desperately pushed him back. "Enough!" he remembered the Kernel's voice cutting sharply through the pelting rain, and then he pointed to the prison. "Lock him up with the Spectres. The General can figure out what to do with him in the morning!" Jez felt strong hands gripping his arms as he was forced towards the open gate, thrown inside, and then heard it slide shut. He turned, not daring to believe it, but she was still there. Zara's bloodied body still lay on the path, the blood seeping into the dirt and soil as the rain dropped. "Also...tell the doctor where he can clean up his mess," Jez heard the Kernel say. He dropped to his knees, not wanting to move until the moving, just waiting for the gates to open up again.

Something passed over Jez's vision, and suddenly he was no longer kneeling on the floor, but sitting on his childhood bed, his mother in front of him. Jez looked around quickly and then looked down at his own body, realising he was much smaller now, possibly a three year old again. "Hey sweetie," his mother said, and Jez looked into her face. It had to be real! "I know everything feels like it is falling apart, but everything will get better, I promise." Jez stared at his mother in disbelief, and then, before his very eyes, she started to fade until she had disappeared completely. Jez looked down at his feet, realising he was still in his old bedroom, and then a voice alerted him to a second presence. "Hey, I'm over here!" Jez looked to his left, seeing Zara sitting next to him, looking just like she had a few hours before dying.

Jez suddenly came to notice he has also grown up again, sitting on the same bed, and he said, "I'm so sorry, Zara." He had a feeling this was, at least in some kind of sense, real. He also felt like it actually meant something. "It's alright," Zara said, looking at Jez sadly, and he returned the look. "I knew what the risk was. I am very sorry we couldn't free the Spectres, but we made all the difference." Jez looked at her, confused, and Zara sighed. "We gave the Spectres hope! They know that even the race trying to kill them have good people in it!" Jez could not help but agree with that fact, and then the entire world started growing whiter. "Fight back,' Zara's voice echoed loudly in Jez's ears, and suddenly he was back, still kneeling before the silver gate, tears spilling down his face.

He did not hear any footsteps behind him, but then a firm hand gripped his shoulder, and someone crouched down beside him. "I take it you are Jez," a rough voice said, and Jez nodded, but still did not speak. He was staring at the fence, fists clenched by his sides and his teeth gritted in grief and fury. "Come on, lad. You need to sleep. Best get out of the rain," the voice said, and Jez felt almost hypnotised as he nodded, stood, and let the Spectre gently lead him back towards one of several large tents, where the Spectres slept. "Come on, just sit down on this empty bed," the Spectre said, indicating to the closest bunk bed, and Jez sat on the lowest one, still unable to comprehend what was happening. "Our Collectors have told us how you have been helping Zara with delivering food," the Spectre said, crouching before Jez.

Jez did not know what to say, so he let the Spectre continue. "We are incredibly sorry that you were caught, of course. Rose told us what to do, but the Zodiacs already seemed to have figured out something was going on. They did not let us leave and forced us to our tents." Jez was furious, his fists clenching beside him as he muttered, "So what now?" The Spectre sighed, shrugging after a few moments and then saying, "I'm not sure. We were not expecting an attempt of freedom so soon. We have not yet planned what to do." Jez groaned, and then another Spectre stepped behind the man, stooping quickly to whisper something into his ear. The man stood, murmured something, and headed over to the other Spectres as Rose took his place, tears in her own eyes. "Can I sit down?" she asked, sounding, if anything, defeated.

Jez moved aside slightly, and she sat next to him on his bed, both of them quiet. "The Kernel murdered my mother....and now he has murdered –" Jez cut off, unable to say the last part, but Rose took his hand gently and said, "I know, Jez. I'm so sorry." Jez looked up at Rose, a sudden, small smile splitting his cracked lips. "But...I won't give up," he said decisively, and Rose looked both amazed and shocked at his words. "What are you going to do?" she asked gently, but Jez shook his head firmly, "I don't know yet." The sky rumbled loudly overhead, and Jez yawned loudly. Feeling a sudden weight on his shoulder, he looked over to see Rose falling asleep, her head resting on his shoulder. Jez yawned again, his eyes starting to droop, and he rested his head atop of Rose's.