At the front of Zack's house, several teenagers played basketball whilst both Spectres and Zodiacs alike walked up and down the roads, some of them even holding hands and the hands of their sons or daughters. A group of children ran from out the front door of the house, did a lap around the teenagers playing basketball, and then ran through the side fence and into the backyard, laughing the entire time as they played with each other. In the backyard were many Zodiacs and Spectres. On the wooden patio, sitting on the short steps that led out onto the grass, Rose and Jez had their arms around each other as they ate burgers, happy to be involved romantically with each other, especially now that there was peace. The doctor was holding a picture of Zara and showing it to a group of Spectres as they all talked and laughed. The person who was hugging the doctor was Rose's mom, now engaged with Zara's father.

Sitting on a set of chairs near the backdoor were Jade and Trae, both of them holding their baby daughter and looking down at the smooth, bright face as the baby giggled loudly, the two lovers eating sausages. It was a Sunday, or as everyone in this town knew, it was Barbeque Day. In the middle of the wooden patio, Charlotte caught a softball that was thrown to her by one of the other children, and she then extended her arm and threw it back, enjoying playing with the other children. Watching everything was Zack, standing next to Lauren as the two held hands, watching over the sea of Zodiacs and Spectres. They had dreamed of this life. Everyone had dreamed of this life.

The End

At the very end of spring, the trees came alive, beautiful pink, red and golden flowers and leaves emerged, somehow lighting up the Black Forest and no longer making it seem dull. The three of them suddenly fell onto their backs, Jez and Zara side-by-side while Rose was alone on her side of the fence, yet they all looked up at the sky as one. "Do you ever dream...Of a world where there's only happiness and peace?" Rose asked as the clouds peacefully drifted across the bright blue sky. "A world where Spectres and Zodiacs lived harmony," Zara added on, a large smile on her face as she stared upwards. "And every Sunday we'd have a nice hot barbeque with all the sausages and burgers we could ever dream of," Jez sighed. "Yeah, you can keep dreaming about that one," Zara said, and they all broke into laughter, wishing the moment could never end.