35. Mrs. Slav's Love Letter

"Clip-clopping, clip-clopping, clip-clopping..."

The unique smell of the early morning mixed with the fishy scent drifting from the harbor, wafting in through the window, fluttering the curtains and entering the living room of the Detective Agency.

Oliver shrank into a corner of the sofa, trembling nonstop.

A few books he had bought on his way here lay beside him.

"Anna, this is Oliver. Oliver, this is Anna," Lu Li introduced them to each other.

"Hello, I am Anna." Anna delicately lifted her skirt, curtsying with noble etiquette.

In front of strangers she was meeting for the first time, Anna maintained a certain restraint, of course, with the exception of Lu Li.

"Clip-clopping, clip-clopping, clip-clopping..."

Oliver's shaking intensified even more, his cheeks trembling incessantly.

He stiffly turned his head, not daring to look at Anna, his eyes filled with a plea for help as he looked at Lu Li.