The steady rise and fall of the man's chest indicated that he had entered the realm of dreams.
He slept as peacefully as most people do, making it difficult to connect the stories he had told earlier to his current state.
Lu Li tilted his head, looking at Anna, who had materialized beside him. She shook her head gently; she hadn't sensed anything appearing after the man fell asleep.
Neither had Lu Li.
Lu Li tried calling out to him but received no response. Pushing on the man's arm only squeezed a damp patch from his body-warmed wet clothes.
Lu Li used some other methods to wake him, like splashing water and shaking him, but the man was as unresponsive as if he had taken a potent sleeping pill. Opening his eyelids revealed rapidly moving eyeballs, bloodshot.
The man had begun to delve into his dreamscape.
And considering the stark disparity between his reality and dreams, the few minutes he had been asleep might have spanned several months in his dreams.