
Hack...Hackk...Hackkkk! He felt death was in front of him, and his wounded stomach burned in pain. Am I going to die? I'm not convinced! Argh, I'm not convinced!

Xin An clearly remembered the faces and the special phone call from his friends — whom he considered companions who go through adversity with him — but who thought he would get betrayed? For the past two years, he was very careful not to get caught by the cops, and traces of him were erased as slightest bit he detected something was wrong or caught his figure on a CCTV footage.

As a wanted criminal, Xin An first invaded the CCTV footage and the administration surveillance in the building their friends had told him to meet them as he finally at ease after he infiltrated the system. And since it was his birthday, he guessed they might be surprising him a Birthday Party.

But as soon as he took a few sips of water, his vision daze, and his instinct told him... he was poisoned.

There was no way he would think it wasn't his friends great-doing since he specifically told them not to let a single stranger stepped inside the room. It had high risk if they let someone in, and perhaps knew who he was. Also, his bounty was quite tempting to other people.

'For five million dollars you betrayed me? Ha Ha Ha HAHAHA HAHAHA... Silly, Xin An, what a foolish man. In this world who wouldn't be tempted with money?' Xin An sarcastically laughed as he gazed at the starry night. The gun which he used personally to send off the traitors to the afterlife was beside him. If not for his willpower that mere sleeping gas would surely work on him.

At this moment, sirens reverberated below the skyscraper.

'They're finally here? He He, you all really are persistent and chase me all the way here, aren't you? Tonight, blood turns sea, and waves of thunderous booms will resonate through the land. Since I'll die, I'll bring you all along with me.'

He slowly persisted, grabbed his stomach, and stood up. Heavy breathing smoked out from his nose as was blood flowed out from the area he was shot thrice; Hs left stomach, his right arms, and left foot. Then he looked at the cops below as a myriad of emotions flowed inside him.

Initially, he was an ordinary civilian who dreamed when he grows up to become rich and help his family's financial status. He was a hard-working child, able to make his parents proud by letting them walk on stage with him as the Top honor student on the whole campus. He took the proficiency as a Computer Programming, coupled with his gifted ability to instantly memorized something he saw once or twice, and he did great. Not until he started working in a company, presented his ideas, and coded a worthwhile game did everything changed.

The CEO seized the ownership of the game as the main coder; everything be it ideas, coding, and working on it falls to his credits. The game was surely worthy of attention as it draws millions of players even before two months of its launch, not to mention it was constantly attracting new players.

As he coded that game with buckets of sweat, Xin An naturally had to fight what was naturally his. Some of the co-workers that stand at his side slowly disappeared as a result. Only after when he received news of his parents' sudden car accident did he sobered up — He was not fighting a person with the same standing as him, but fighting a man higher than him.

Then he slowly disappeared in the face of public, as he constantly struggled to fight the ownership of the game through the battle of talent and wit — Using a mouse and a keyboard, he hacked the main program, shut the game down, and erased even the slightest of its back-up copies.

Naturally, as a result, it had provoked the whole community of the game, as the CEO of the company once he worked with dispatched attempts to find the suspect behind — Then his name popped out.

After that, he was chased and hunt for two years. He was forced to jump from town to town, city to city, just to not get caught; leaving by plane and boat was also not the best solution.

Only this time he let his guard down a little bit. These friends were the remained co-workers whom he thought real and were people that stood at his difficult times. Because of the death of his co-workers, his parents did Xin An treated them wholeheartedly as his brother-in-arms.

Later did he realized not all ending had a happy ending. And not all people that he went through adversity with would stay always at his side. With the presence of money and wealth, no people wouldn't be tempted by it.

Xin looked at the cops storming in the skyscraper. He smiled, put his hand on a pocket, and gripped what it seems a remote control. As a wanted criminal, and a renowned hacker, he had definitely planned a route and the place he decided to perished with — The building he once worked for.

'I might kill a few men, innocent bystanders, and people that deserved death, but heaven your treatment is unfair. This world is polluted and disgusting. A world that should be cleansed. A world where money blinded all humanity — Oh, let my death be the repayment of the grave sin that'll descent.' Xin An pressed the button. The remote control beeped, the entire floor of the skyscraper wailed, and a loud resounding boom destroyed all its beautiful existence. Blocks shoot in different directions, as people from the road screamed and hurriedly tried to avoid the blocks that were falling from the sky — But few were petrified as their legs wouldn't move at their commands.


Sword Star Sect appeared enchanting and grandeur with the presence of the sun. Separated into nine mountainous peaks, it seemed like it was hydra's nine heads as the main base of it was a mountain that pierced through the clouds.

Located into one of the mountainous peaks, the Iron Peak, was a hut. Far from the hut were houses stood next to each other. From a perspective, it appeared the hut was a loner.

This hut was owned by Xin An — A young sole laborer of Sword Star Sect.

Xin An was inside the hut. He squatted on the ground as he appeared engrossed in his thoughts.

After a while, Xin An seemed sobered when he shook his head. After reading an entire life experience of a young sixteen-year kid, Xin An confirmed one fact — He had transmigrated!

Never once did he believed in miracles, reincarnation, or transmigration... To him, that was something nonsense and didn't make sense, though he enjoyed reading novels about it. However, now he experienced it himself, he had no choice but to believe. Sometimes, some things couldn't explain with just common sense.

He relaxed his muscle. Organized his thoughts on what should he do, what his plans now in this new world, and tried his best to forget his miserable past life. For now, I should focus on what's present. Past is past, and I shouldn't be blinded with remorse and hatred. Furthermore, I already took my revenge. He suddenly had a strange thought on where did that Old Villain Boss of his gone after his death. Did he go to hell, heaven reincarnated... Or transmigrated just like me?

Xin An smiled lightly. That didn't really matter. Anyway, this body of mine got some hella painful past. It reminds me of myself.

Xin An opened the door, unlocking a brand new world where no one knows his past. Fresh air engulfed him once he did. This world should be the start of my journey.

Hmm. According to the memories of the previous body, he had to deliver herbal medicine to Bin Jinyi ten minutes from now. If not, this guy will get in trouble.

Furthermore, this world was not as advance and ancient as his world. In this world, people walked in the path of the martial way until they reached the existence where they co-exist with Heaven and Earth and achieved Immortality. Naturally, they also held power that mortals couldn't wield.

This Bin Jinyi he was talking about was also a person who walks in the path of the martial way. The reason this guy would get in trouble if he was late or fail to deliver the goods to her was that she was one of the outstanding disciples of the Iron Peak. As the privilege of the outstanding disciples, once a month, they could receive hundred-year-old ginseng. Naturally, Xin An, as a herb gatherer and caretaker, the task of delivering the goods falls to him. There were ten outstanding disciples in a total of Iron Peak, it just a coincidence this time was Bin Jinyi's month to received her quota.

Xin An hurriedly ran towards the garden of herbs. He looked for a ripened hundred-year-old ginseng before carefully plucking it up. Then grabbed a clean cloth and wrapped the ginseng on it. It took him five minutes to do all this stuff as he ran towards the Inner part of the Iron Peak.

The Inner Part was just his neighborhood. It'll just take him a few minutes to arrive.

Stepping inside the inner part, Xin An was surprised to see how stunning and neat the houses were designed and placed. This place is hella huge. It seemed like disciples had their land for mediation.

Xin swept his gaze and saw a massive training field. There were few young men and young women there practicing and exchanging moves. For a moment, he was really eager to try practicing. Unfortunately, he had to deliver this herbal medicine first before he could do — As much as possible, he would like to avoid problems and stay low for a while before he grasped the whole situation in this world.

Not long after, Xin An arrived in a cave abode. This cave abode was vastly different from the houses from earlier he saw. He counted no more than ten of these caves. According to the memories, these should be the dwelling place for the ten outstanding disciples of Iron Peak.

"This Xin likes to request a meeting with Senior Sister Bin Jinyi." He shouted respectfully.

A moment later, a voice responded inside, "Come in."

Xin An nodded his head and stepped inside. But the moment he did he was stunned. There seemed to be some weird energy entering his body. His body reacted, and it looked like it would modify his body if he seized the chance to let it guide him inside his dantian. What is this? Is this Qi?

Testing it first-hand than from another perspective was a new experience to him. This was Qi according to the memories. But the reason its existence was slight visible and was abundant in this area... was because there was a formation operating in the Cave Abode of Senior Sister Bin Jinyi.

Xin An sighed. The treatment of an outstanding disciple was really different.

"That guy is pretty daring. Yunji, you don't seem to be mad after he absorbs the Qi on your abode?" At this moment, a young man was gazing Xin An from meters away.

"Only that amount?" The woman sipped the sweet flavor of the tea. Calmly putting the cup on the table, she looked at the young man beside her. "I'm not a pity like you."

"Calm down, Yi'er. Chu Tian is reminding you of good intentions. This guy, if you don't know, is a disciple two years ago. He's extremely talented back then but because something went wrong with his cultivation he's demoted as a Herb Gatherer and Caretaker. It's been months since he openly dares to absorb Qi from Nature. The last time he did he was on his last breath. If not for Liang Qingshan wanted to receive his herbal medicine and arriving at his little hut, he might have died already. I wonder if this guy seeking death again or he can now absorb Heaven and Earth?" A young man in a blue robe chined in.

"Oh. There's something like that? What's wrong with him?"

The young man in the blue robe smiled, "It was said wherever the place he absorbs Qi from will be inflicted by his aura, and it'll be cursed later on. I never confirm this matter though. Probably just rumors."