
Some thing to note about the future/present about this novel and I, your father, daddy koppa:

1. I am NOT a professional writer so expect some plot holes, contradictions, forgotten characters, etc etc. though I will try my hardest to keep this at a minimum.

2. This novel isn't planned AT ALL. I am making this up as I go and am hoping for the best, for your entertainment and hopefully, my wallet :)

3. MC WILL NOT have character development at all. Maybe in the future I will make him have some attachment to his harem but I will not let him fall in love or do anything for the feelings of his harem. The only reason he acts for his harem is either because he needs their favor or that person wronged him before and is doing it because it's convenient.

4. Yandere galore.

5. More yandere.

6. Did I mention netori? Oh, by the way, yandere...

7. Uploads may not be consistent all the time since I am and will be going to school for the next 1~2 months and in summer, I usually only write when I'm bored. Sorry if you enjoy but can't look forward to consistent uploads. If this shit takes off, you can bet your asses I will upload consistently.

8. Sorry to disappoint but I recently just found an even better, darker plot for this novel and I will be following through with it. It will contain some business-building and general business-y stuff. If you didn't read the synopsis, MC will be creating his own drug empire and prostitution ring so be prepared. (New edit)