
I stood over the only patch of dirt amongst a sea grass. One of only three people I actually have any emotions towards, Min-hee, comes running up to me with tears streaming down her face.

*sniffle sniffle* "O-oppa, d-did you *hic* see Lady anywhere, I think I l-lost her"

"Really? Sorry, Min-hee, I didn't see her anywhere... ahh! Don't worry Min-hee, I'll help you find Lady!" I say with a smile.


"Of course, but first, go tell mom and dad, I'll wait here then we will go find her!" I say.

"Okay! You're the best, oppa!" She starts grinning wildly, not caring that just a few seconds ago she was wailing like an ambulance.

I then hug her and pet her head while saying "It will be fine, don't worry." in a calming voice.

"T-thanks oppa." she says to my ear, blushing wildly.

She starts running off into the distance towards our parent's mansion. I've got to say, my parents aren't doing too bad in life.

Having a 20,000 sqm plot of land with a 7,500 sqm mansion sitting in the middle of it on Jeju Island, buildings and another house in Gangnam and still being able to take 2/3rds of the year off from their work.

As you could guess, that girl running off in the distance is my sister, Min-hee.

Even an idiot would understand that I'm incredibly privileged. A loving sister, insanely high grades, doting parents and the funds to spoil me rotten.

Honestly, I don't know what the other two of the three people I care for, mother and father, do, but it doesn't concern me as I'm barely 10 while Min-hee is 8.

Mother is loving, father is cold and strict, Min-hee is playful and I'm... a bit off.

Ever since I started preschool in Daechi-dong, I knew that I was an anomaly. So, I fit into my class by faking my emotions and giving myself a personality that I thought would be popular, perfectly might I add.

Quite a few preschoolers have professed their love to me stating reasons like 'you are so cool!❤️'and 'woahhh, you are so fast at running ❤️'.

Honestly, it's very flattering to know that my façade works this well.

I've tried to search on the internet on if there are others like me and it turns out, there are. I believe they're called...

Ahhh, right... 'psychopaths'.

There are other subgroups of us, so to speak. Such as machiavellians, narcissists and by far the worst, sociopaths.

I really don't understand how they do what they do without thinking it through, truly a curious case.

I believe that I fall into the psychopath and machiavellian group and although I don't really try to take advantage of my family since my father is quite scary for some reason, everything else is fair game.

I honestly don't understand why I don't feel inclined to scam my parents out of their hard earned cash but, I guess with anomalies like psychopaths, there are bound to be anomalies within those anomalies.

Aside from reading about 'my people', I've read from some people that when their family and friends discovered that they're a psychopath or the like, they'd be shunned and tossed away.

Though that is an extreme and it probably won't happen to me since my parents are very loving, I can't say the same for my classmates and peers.

It just isn't worth it for others to discover my true nature, so I hide it. Well, it isn't as depressing as you'd think, it actually feels great knowing that I can trick those around me to do my bidding.

Heh. I guess I'm addicted to the power at 10, huh. I guess I was more than right when I said I was an anomaly. Truly scum, trash and filth at the same time.

Anyway, so far, I haven't met another person who is like me... I think.

Oh, by the way, me and the whole killing thing isn't really a common occurrence where I take Min-hee's pets and animals and turn them into pet-shaped lumps of meat.

Lady really was just annoying. Biting, barking, scratching and pooping, over and over and over, until I couldn't take it, and that's how I got myself into that situation.

That was around 8 years ago...