Shy Ha-neul

After leaving the room, I start walking through the empty halls while assessing the current situation.

'So today, I received S-rank 'Appraisal', seduced the queen, befriended some of the butlers and maids that helped my move into my room, talked with the royal guards about their lives and families and found out about most of my classmate's heroic skills'

'I don't think that running away would be the best option now, the queen looks like she really values me for her sexual outlet... I think staying shouldn't be a problem but, I should watch out in case she pulls something'

'Hmmmmm, it's... 1:43 a.m and I'm not very sleepy right now. I'll wander around the courtyard, I guess'

While wandering around the massive courtyard, I was growing tired and went to the nearing bench to rest and when I got closer, I spotted an unexpected face already sitting down on the bench.


"Hmm? Oh, it's just Min-chul... here *pat pat* sit, sit" (Ha-neul)

After sitting, she doesn't talk or even look at me. We just sit and stare at the stars, the 2 visible moons and some constellations here and there. Due to cars and gas-powered vehicles not existing yet, the night is clear and blue, the stars are shiny and bright and the moons are big and round. Absolutely beautiful. Zero pollution...

'Come to think of it, 'that' girl really loved it when the moon and night was clear... I wonder if she'd like this'



After a long time of awkward silence she finally speaks up,

"Hey, Min-chul..... I-I think that I-"


Just as she was going to finish what she was saying, I make eye contact and smile at her, as if to tell her to carry on. Her sparkling brown eyes and her squishy, baby cheeks with a tinge of blush start shaking and she immediately turns her head away.



"I forgot"

'Hmmmm, she was going to confess? Haha, what a silly girl. I wish I could pity you right now'

"Jeez, you silly goose"

After ruffling her hair for a bit, she pouts at me and 'angrily' crosses her arms and turns away. After another few minutes, she yawns loudly and leans on the back rest.

"Huaaaahhhhh~~~ I'm getting sleepy already"

'... she wants me to carry her back? Let her sleep on my shoulder? Haha, let's tease her a bit more'

After debating about what I would do, I pulled her head closer to my shoulder and let her lay down. When I looked at her face on my shoulder, she was blushing wildly and staring at me. After seeing that I made eye contact with her with a gentle smile, she closed her eyes and covered her blushing face with her hands.

"Wha-wh-wha-what are you DOING!!!"

'Huh? Looks like the composed Ha-neul broke under pressure. I never thought I'd see this version of her. What a find'

"Huh? Didn't you want this? Isn't this why you said that you were sleepy?"

"H-haah? W-well, no, b-but-"

"Calm down, sheesh. Just why are freaking out so much? I'll stay until morning. Until then, you can just rest here"

"Uhhh... okay"

After some persuading, she relaxes into my shoulder and with her neck on arm, I can feel how rapidly her heart is beating through her carotid arteries. 104 bpm. She seems flustered but it looks like her heart rate is going down. 100, 98, 93, 91...

'fucckkkk... damn it, every time I feel or hear a girl's heartbeat, I can't help but get a hard-on. Damn it, Sun-hee, if I ever get out of here, I'm gonna choke you while feeling your heartbeat slowly fade away...'

'Anyways, who know that Ha-neul could be...simple. She's too simple'

Just like that, at around 2:30 a.m I eventually fell asleep after her, resting my head on top of her head.

2:45 a.m.———————————————————————————————————————————-

Looking over the balcony of her massive bedroom, a good looking, barely middle-aged woman was overlooking her courtyard while staring at the man and woman pair resting on each other's head.

This woman was Aria Remiér, and she has been watching the pair sit and talk there since 2:00 a.m.

She used her heroic skill passed down through the Remiér family, 'Sensing Senses Sensing Things', and she felt that the girl on the bench was about to confess her love to the boy when she backed out for some reason.

After seeing this, she came to the conclusion that the fault lied with the scheming harlot that tried to confess to her beloved and that the harlot seduced him somehow.

[oohhhh, honeyyy~~~, seems like a witch has entranced youu~~ haah, I'd better make sure that this fucking succubus doesn't get in the way between honey and I's sexy time~]

'New hubby, you can have concubines, but at least make sure they aren't trying to crawl into my palace~~ haaah, I really hope that you, my hubby, won't disappoint me by bringing chaos to our up and coming utopia of me and you...'


3:40 a.m———————————————————————————————————————————-

Just after Aria went to sleep happily in her own love juices and her lover's semen, thinking and planning about how she's going to deal with the succubus next to her honey, Anna woke up at her usual time and started her morning jog at 3:40 a.m.

Yes, Anna really does jog from 3:40 a.m to 4:10 other world or not. The reason she does this is to maintain her slim figure for her beloved man and so she can be held by her waist when her beloved eventually fucks her silly.

After jogging around for a while, she came upon a bench that had two silhouettes sitting on it with both of them leaning against each other. As she approached them, she saw that it was her two best friends, Ha-neul and Min-chul.


She just stared at them, blank eyes without their usual sparkle, fingers twitching and her disposition now reading "Jealously, Infuriated" from "Excited, Alert'.

'Min-chul Min-chul Min-chul...what are you doing with that FUCKING TRASH PIECE OF GARBAGE WHORE ON YOUR SHOULDER!!!!! Did she trick you? Hurt you? Seduce you? Play with you? Control your mind?'

Although her mind was going haywire, she was at a loss on what to say out loud.

'Ha-neul, Ha-neul, you scheming bitch... he's mine... mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine. Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and everrrrr~~~'

'And yet... there are people who dare get in my way to show Min-chul true happiness. No, I can't be too rash now, I can't afford to expose this side of me to my beautiful oppa~~'

'Just you wait Ha-neul... I'll steal him and then we'll see who is the one lying on his shoulder'

Of course, despite this battle in her mind, she was just staring at them, not uttering a single word to not wake her beloved since it was only 3:53 a.m after all. So, she continued on with her jog and was formulating a plan to get rid of Hana, the starstruck, dumb, bimbo chasing him and now, the big breasted, scheming, righteous Ha-neul.

Of course, not before moving Ha-neul's head to rest on the armrest instead of her oppa's shoulder.

'Hmmmm, the guards did say we will be training for the next 4 months and after that, we will go as a party to a beginner level dungeon that most heroes start out at to practice. The dungeon was dubbed 'Bol'.'

Only accessible to those with a special password and spell chant to deactivate the traps, this password and chant was only known by the Queen, her 2 daughters, her 2 sons, the royal guard captain, Damien, her personal maid, Anastasia and her dead husband, Morrigan.

'I wonder... should I sabotage the two sluts in the dungeon? Maybe bring Chung-cha over to my side for help? No, no, I'm pretty sure that tanned slut also likes him, though only for his penis... should I get rid of all of them? No, my Min-chul will be sad if he found out that 3 of his friends died suddenly, and plus, it isn't easy to get away with triple homicide, let alone of 3 'essential' heroes... many, many options... what to do, what to do...'

'Okay, I'll decide when I've calmed down. If I still feel murder is the best and possibly only option after 4 months, I'll go through with it. I shouldn't be rash and risk losing Min-chul, or worse... him hating me'

Of course, in Anna's view, her beloved hating her is far worse than losing him. After all, if her beloved somehow died under her care, she'd slice her stomach lengthwise in order to see him again. It's but a simple process for her if all she needed to sacrifice was her physical body in order to see him again. After all, what is existence without him?

'Well, if I ever find out that my beloved was killed however, that would be a different story...'

Indeed, if she were to discover her beloved was murdered, betrayed or hurt by someone else, even if it was well deserved, she'd stop at nothing to repay their debt 20x fold. After all, if her beloved was stabbed once, that is equal to a regular person being stabbed 20 times after all.... according to her 'math'.

'Hehehe... I can't wait for the day when I get to be with you everyday, smell you everyday, touch you everyday, please you everydayyy~~... actually, I can. hehehe, but not too long~ I love youuuuu~~ Min-chuulll~❤️'

While thinking about her life about making her beloved fall for her and living happily ever after in a castle by the sea, isolated from the world, she couldn't help but smile. Although..... it wasn't her usual bashful, cheery smile, no, it was a twisted, cheek-wide and odd smile that would look like she was pretending to be happy.

And with that, she decided to go active in her pursuit of her beloved's attention and love. Though, she will probably be dissatisfied and disappointed when she realizes that her beloved is much, much, much more sinister and dark than she is.

Well, there is the off chance that..... they aren't too different. Nahhh, not true. This blonde beauty isn't more sinister than that trash who manipulates his friends and family for benefits, right?


3:55 a.m, Chung-cha's Room———————————————————————————————————————————-


"Gosh, what the hell? Such an embarrassing sneeze! Why'd it sound like my dad's??!! Is someone bitching about me somewhere?"

Indeed, someone was 'bitching' about Chung-cha. Though, if she were to know what that 'bitching' was about, she'd surely label it as 'future murder' or 'pre-crime' according to a movie she watched with Min-chul after getting dicked down by him in the 10th grade, 'Minority Report'


(A.N) Chung-cha best girl with 6th sense hahaha. Thanks for reading, peace✌️!