Tea Time

Walking though the crowd of people, Corey Lambert, Daniel Whittaker and the other tycoons are cursing on the inside for their misfortune of supporting the wrong offspring. With the tycoons supporting Dexter Isaac Cristian Kevin Remiér, the true heir while the Danlias and the Bassets were supporting the, at the the time, 14 year old Aria Remiér, they were sure that they would beat the Danlias and shrink their monopoly on the economy.

(A.N) (Don't worry about the 'Bassets', they weren't introduced yet)

Alas, the Dorian Danlia and Arthur Basset won by out bribing the officials in Restinasia and Gwanya to stop using their products until Aria's seat as monarch and supreme leader of Destinasia was secure. Gaining immensely from their gamble as well as the contempt from their peers.

Walking through the busy halls of the palace filled with rushing maids, sweating butlers and jogging knights of various important people, they immediately stop whatever they were doing or wherever they were going and bow to Aria. It must boost her ego quite a bit.

After walking for around 4~5 minutes, we arrive at Aria's tea room where it has it's own indoor lake, simulated 4 seasons using magic castings, kalpa fish for feeding and fishing and even blossoming flowers.

In the tea room sat Aria at the head, Rosé and Poppy to her sides, me facing Aria and the two daughters of Rosé, Daisy and Dahlia sitting off to the sides for "experience" so to speak. Even though I could see their disposition reading 'Nervous, Excited'... and don't think I didn't miss that truth orb hidden in Dahlia's clothes.

The truth orb was an interrogation item made around 500 years ago, only used by high level investigations due to the materials needed. The holder will ask a question that the orb will hear, if the person being interrogated tells the truth, the orb sends a slight but non-harmful shock to the holder. In the case of a lie, the orb shocks the holder twice.

"So, I'm sure that you know why we are here and I won't beat around the bush. Name, age, height and weight" (Rosé)

"Yes. Kim Min-chul, 18, 185 cm and 78 kgs"

"Hmmm... ho-" (Rosé)

"Do you have a lover?" (Poppy)


"What?! This is important, what if there is a scandal in the future, huh?"


'Hmmm... is that a test? Her eyes look very expectant and her disposition is 'Awe, Interested'... haha, I guess I shouldn't let the Danlias down'

After deciding on what to do, I slowly crawl my hand towards her and before holding her hand, I lean over and whisper into her ear,

"Not yet...but if you so wish...we can add it in the contract"

After that, she looks at me for a few seconds after I sit back down and then starts releasing steam out of her head and ears...

"Hmmmm, huh?" (Poppy)

'...I think she's become so shocked she can't function'

In front of me however was the queen with a cold glare at Poppy while her eyebrows twitched and formed a crease in the middle, not unnoticed by me. I guess I'll have to make it up to her in her bedroom tonight.

"Haaah, ignore that woman. Now, first of all, we'd like to discuss the items you'd be advertising. You will advertise our food rations and magic equipment, is that fine for you?"


"Great, now let's discuss price... how does 10000 gold for 2 years sound with a renegotiation after every 6 months sound?"

'...haaahh, do they think I'm stupid or what? Let's embarrass this tycoon'

"I'm afraid that won't do, this amount seems too few. Is there any chance we can make it 45000 for 3 years with renegotiation every year?"

"That's... difficult. Our price cap is actually only 15000 so we won't be able to afford that..."

'God's Eyes'

*twitch twitch*

After using my improved eyesight on Dahlia, I see that her body twitches twice from the shock of the ball. It's very slight, but still there. So that means her cap isn't 15000 so it must be higher. Rosé's disposition is currently 'Relaxed, Calm' probably due to her experience but Daisy's reads 'Nervous, Anxious'...

"Please don't take me for a fool, Mrs. Rosé, I can see the orb and I could see the shock... last offer, 45000 gold for 2 years with a renegotiation every 3 months..."

'Even if 45000 gold is over their limit, they have no choice but to accept because if they don't, I'll be able to slander their name in that they don't offer fair contracts to their heroes'

'And plus, 45000 is only a 4.5x increase from their original 'cap' so it should be a fair price to pay for their reputation. This isn't me being greedy, this is me giving them one last chance'

After I mention the orb, Rosé immediately looks towards her daughters with a glare while Dahlia immediately looks down in guilt, feeling that she cost her family quite a bit of money.

'Hehehe, he's good. He saw through that huh? Wellll~ 35000 isn't too much of an increase and plus, he'd have some muck on us if we don't accept... he's good' (Rosé)

"Alright boy, that sounds good. Wait for around 30 minutes here and we'll prepare the contract"

"Thank you, ma'am. And good negotiation session"

After offering her a handshake which she took, she left with Poppy and the daughters to craft the contract and bind it with spells to bring upon a penalty for breakage of it. To make these contracts, there are specialists called 'Binders' who spend their lives working on better spells to make sure there aren't loopholes in the contract.

After leaving the tea room, the maids and butlers immediately run away from the angry Rosé and even in the tea room, you can hear the mother scolding her daughter while Poppy still can't function properly after the flirting session.

[huuhuu, how'd you see the twitch from Dahlia, hubby?] (Aria)

"I have good eyesight, haha"

After chatting for awhile about the deal I just made and how Aria knows them, she immediately deadpan stares at my face and asks with a slight head tilt,

[...what was that flirting you did with Poppy, hubby?] (Aria)

'...huh? Oh, she's calling me hubby, maybe she wants to roleplay'

"Ahhh, sorry sorry. I was doing that since she seemed fun to tease. Don't worry about it, I won't love anyone more than you~"

[ahhh~❤️ I-I see, thank you hubby. Hehehehehe] (Aria)

'Ahhh, Morrigan~, you are too sweettt~. Sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet... I won't ever ever ever let you run away again... Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan Morrigan~~'

"Hey, no problem"

After finalizing the deal, the contract stated that the hero would endorse South Danlia Company's new ration foods and magic equipments such as staffs, robes, etc. for the salary of 45000 gold for 2 years in which, 20000 gold will be paid in advance while the 25000 with be paid off at the end of the contract.

The rations and equipment will be provided by South Danlia Company and the hero will have a discount of 50% in all their stores, this applies to anything they purchase. Housing will be provided for free in the form of Danlia Inn for the continent and The Roaring River Hotel (RR Hotel) for Gwanya due to the traveling nature of heroes.

The penalty for disobeying or breakage of contract goes as follows: for the hero, if he or she were to break the contract at any point through defamation, scams, etc. of any of the South Danlia Company's subsidiaries, they will be required to pay back their advertisement pay with an excess of 5000 gold as well as any damage to the brand, product, etc. of Danlia and its subsidiaries. If South Danlia Company were to break their side of contract due to withholding of payments or mistreatment of the hero, they will be required to pay the entire salary of 45000 gold as well as an extra of 30000 gold and any damages the hero acquired from said breakage.

If any party fails to repay their due debt to the other party for any reason, they will be tried in the holy court located in the Holy Kingdom of Darcy in the south-western region of this, Calko continent.

South Danlia Company will be required to provide the hero with a proper lawyer from a third party, in this case The Wise Renée Dubois of Selia-Morison Law. For any renegotiation of the contract, the hero's lawyer (Renée DuBois) will handle the request of the hero and will provide advice to the hero and be a co-negotiator.

And thus, this marks the day: the 21st day, 8 month, year 3201 of the Holy Calendar of Darcy who worships Goddess Bumi when the South Danlia Company... wasted 20000 gold.


(A.N) A bit of a shorter chapter than usually but, still not too bad a length: 1488 words :). A bit of explaining, on the last paragraph where it says that Danlia wasted 20000 gold instead of 45000 like the contract. If you read it again, they pay it in two parts. Alright, that's it for now, review, send to library, comment, buh-bye peace ✌️!