How to Pyramid

After walking for another 5 days, Min-chul and Aya reach the city. Tall, sturdy walls, marching guards and various trade caravans lining up to enter through the gate. Actually, walking for only 5 days from where they were was very quick, mostly because of the horses they stole from some bandits along the way.

Lining up, Min-chul makes Aya sit on their "borrowed" carriage with the mosses, Gogo Tree seeds, Gogo tree leaves, rations, water, some "borrowed" armor and gear as well as some "borrowed" money. 93 gold, 21 silver and 10 copper to be exact. Some stolen from merchants when they first set off.

Since Aya and I were supposedly dead, we couldn't use our hero I.D all willy nilly so we "borrowed" some money from the bandits and decided to use it for bribery money. I mean, no matter how righteous a guard, who will say no to 5 gold?

Remember, 10 silver is the average monthly wage and for guards, it's even lower at 8 silver. 1 gold is 100 silver. 5 gold is around about 5 and a half years worth of work.

Going up to the guard, while asking for our I.D, I slip him 5 gold into his pants pocket and he immediately notices. When he is about to report me to his superior to get me arrested, he checks his pocket and his eyes grow wide. Haha, money.

Turning around to face a wall, he pretends to check something then lets me through immediately with a giant smile.

Looking all of the guards, i notice something different about them. Their armor is a bit different from the usual armor that patrol and garrison guards wear. And that is that their helmets have leather horns sticking out the side.

All with varying sizes but, horns nonetheless. Heading into the city, I noticed something... everyone has horns. That stall owner has horns, that housewife drying laundry on the balcony has horns and the scholars reciting poems on the street side have horns.

Looking up at the banner above me, it says

'Welcome All! Merchants! Traders! Professionals! Welcome to our lovely city, Jinjin!'

'.....I think we're in E Mo Zhi Di, Michael...demon country'

[[Demon country? Bwahahhaha! Come on, Min-chul! These are demons? I remember a half demon being at least 30 meters tall, having glowing red eyes and skin on fire! What in the hell are these?]]

'Most likely their bloodline got washed with time and now they are a bit more human than demon. Except for the horns and occasionally, wings'

Walking through the streets, I don't see people looking at me with disdain or hate for being human. In fact, some demons are looking at me with a bit of lust and admiration for my face and my massive carriage, respectively.

Hearing the loud noises of chattering and bargaining on the streets beside us, Aya wakes up looking very cute while rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"Papa? Where?"

Over the few days we were walking, I was able to make her have the brain capacity of a genius 1 year old that, while not too bright, could use More Green much better than when we started.

"We are in a country called E Mo Zhi Di. The dominant race here are demons and their subspecies'. They are very blunt and sometimes rough so don't try to associate with them too much"

"Yes! Papa order!"

Saying with a cute salute while sitting, she starts peering her head out the carriage and looking at the beautiful city. Townhouses with vines and cobble on the side, showing their age but still standing tall, merchant stalls with colorful cloth tops and the massive castle in the center of Jinjin. A truly beautiful city.

Too bad it will probably be destroyed in the upcoming months or possibly year. The thing is that, every time the demon king rises, it's "tradition" to destroy the cities of E Mo Zhi Di so that the demon king has a lower chance of rising and with evidence though experimentation, it keeps the demon king weaker than they should be.

It's kind of an open secret but, the reason the humans attack the demon king is not because he wants to take over the world. It's because of the abundant resources that show up with the demon king. Very rare resources such as... the demon king's horns, his skin, his body...

That's right... the reason human hunt the demon king is because... money. I mean, looking at the textbooks, all of the major wars were started by humans. There hasn't been a time in history where humans were attacked then retaliated.

Though they are called demons, they aren't a bad race. They like profit, money, sex and the other sins but, they don't mindlessly attack and kill humans. It's a very sad sight since I will be getting rich off of the demons first but, there isn't anything I can do about it.

'Well... maybe if I'm rich enough, I could help them out a bit'

After traveling through the streets for about 10 minutes, we pull into a fairly reputable hotel which is popular with adventurers and merchants. Getting a regular room for 7 silver a month, I start rolling a blunt while giving some moss to Aya to practice and grow more. Taking out my growing kit, I set it up on the floor.

Consisting of a waterproof wooden box, wet stones and mana water made from crushing mana crystals into water. Setting the stones, filling it with water until a bit less than half of the stone is submerged and rubbing the moss all over the rocks. Very simple. Instead of making the moss take millions of years to grow, it only takes around 500,000 years... an improvement, I guess.

Well, coupled with the genius Aya and her 'More Green', to cover the rock would take maybe 100-500 years. And that's with Aya being at one of her weakest stages. Absolutely insane.

After rolling up some tiny joints and then the real blunts, I set off at around midnight towards the best starting place for any drug lord start-up... the slums. Yes, despite being one of the wealthiest cities in E Mo Zhi Di and being a key city for trade between E Mo Zhi Di and Gwanya, it still has slums.

Failed merchants that claim they are just "in a bad spot", aspiring bandits and mercenaries, injured adventures that can't let go of their pride and just the regular poor people. This is the greatest starting point for me.

They are desperate. They are depressed. They are hopeless. They want to fix themselves, get rich again and feed their families yalno meat and not some hard, undercooked Ying Tu. They don't want their daughters to sell their bodies and their sons to be hard laborers.

That is where I come in. No matter how much they try, they won't be able to get out. An endless pit, forever getting deeper and deeper. I will be there to drop them a rope, pull them up, then drop them again, and again, and again... forever wanting an escape from their reality but sadly, it only lasts a few hours.

Once it ends, I will bring them back. Lift them just to drop them. This is the perfect recipe for... addiction.

After taking the head of the house, they will start wasting their hard earned time and money on me and my product. Then, the spouses or family members will be neglected and they too, will want an escape from the abuse, neglect and temper of their spouse or parent.

Then, their friends will hear about how "John and Jane Doe" don't have to worry anymore. Always happy, always carefree despite their financial situation. They will hear rumors about me and the curious ones will come to me, seeking escape.

After the kids want more, the kid's friends want more. Then their friend's friends will want more. A forever growing pyramid of addiction and depravity.

Before all of this however, there is one thing that I need to do before thinking too far ahead. Get my first customer and build my credibility. Since the leaves are golden, the peasants will believe that the rolls are worth their high price.

Give then the small joint then, once they feel it, offer them the blunt while they are still in their high. Not in the right mind but, still taking their money. Feeling how much better the big, thick blunt feels in their mouth, they come back to where they met you. Wanting more.

Oh how I wait for that day... the pyramid of addiction and depravity is about to be built and it's not pretty.


(A.N) MC BIG BASTARD ALERT🚨 🚨 🚨 !! Anyways, hope you had fun reading this new chapter. Remember to vote, remember to review and remember to add to library since I updates everyday, peace ✌️!