Philosopher Hana

(Hana POV)



Talking with my group mate Saito Junko, we just talk about random things such as whether or not the demon king is hot, what we'd do with our sponsor money and our life before the transmitigation.

"...where do you think dead people go?" (Hana)

"Huh?... definitely not reincarnation, that's for sure. I mean, if it was reincarnation, why would we go to another world with our memories intact?" (Junko)

"Hmmm...weren't we summoned by magic, though?"

"I mean... that's what we think. Do you what the hell a yalno is? What about how to fight a demon boar. We were taught my this continent's people's and in turn, they can teach us whatever they fucking want and we have to believe it"

Thinking about it now, I realize just how much I don't know about this continent. Yes they speak our language, they know some crude form of our customs but that's about it. I have no idea about the dialects in remote villages and cut-off cities, I don't know how the hell a yalno works other than know that it's expensive and the only thing they taught me was the political nature of this continent.

It's rigged and we should believe it will work in our favor; like a casino. Well... I'm sure Min-chul would have had this figured out by now. Even Anna maybe. Damn it... Junko is pretty small.

"That is true... but that doesn't answer my question: where do we go after death? If not reincarnation, then where?"

"Well, I believe th-"

"Alert! Alert! Code Hubert! Hubert!"

"Huh?! Hubert?"

Hubert is the code made for when alive heroes are discovered. After Aya was found alive, we came up with a code name in case of other survivors. I personally recommended Oppa but that lost out to Hubert; a previous hero back in the day that was found alive after an ambush, living in a cave eating various animals and drinking stale water.

Oppa is at least 50x better.

Running out of the tent, we see three horsemen holding up torches with a green light; sure enough, that's the Hubert Signal. Ringing the entrance bell, the guards let the messengers in to hear about the found hero. It seems that Junko is really looking forward to this as most of her friends died in that accident and Aya was one of them...

At least one of the presumed dead ones.

"Attention! We have found hero Min-chul alive in Jinjin. It appears that he was kept as an experimental subject by the demons for various cursed items, materials, etc."

...heh? Who again? Min-chul? There's no way, right? I mean...I remember not seeing him among our escaped group. I don't remember the Phoenix getting him bu-...I'm getting off topic... Min-chul, right? That Min-chul?...hehehehe...I wanna see him again...heehehehe...kekekeke'

Going back to the tent, I start packing up my items such as laundry, clothing, sleeping bag, etc. and some packets of food supplied by my sponsor, Worthways, the only way, worth your while. Worthways, eat better and feel better, on your way.

"Hana!...congratulations, really"

Rushing into the tent and hugging me, she whispers into my ear. Haaa... looks like oppa is alive, huh? This is a very unexpected surprise but a welcome one. Much more welcome than welcome.

"Hey! I'm coming with you!"

Telling one of the messengers, he sees that I'm a hero and agrees immediately. He doesn't know the order and he also knows that there are heroes that are close to other heroes since before they were summoned.

Allowing her on the back of the horse-like creature, they ride off to the main camp site. Reaching there in about 12 hours including 10 minute rests, she sees that there are people rushing around the camp, moving equipment, washing the fuel off the arrows and disassembling the siege ladders.

Entering one of the medical tents, I see him; He really looks so graceful while sleeping. He doesn't snore, his mouth drools a bit, he mumbles sometimes and his right leg twitches every time he has a good dream...

Leaning over, I lap up the drool slowly spilling out of his mouth; effectively cleaning him up...ahhh, you are too precious for this world and it seems like Do-yun almost did that for me. What a simpleton. Killing oppa for having sex with a woman his like killing a fish for using its gills or killing a shark for eating fish; its a habit they can't control.

Unlike stupid Anna getting rid of my man for me, I can accept Min-chul anyway. Whether dead or alive. After all, didn't he stop me from ending my own? Whatever he throws at me, whatever he looks like by the end of this or whatever his personality is really like, I'll smash him, suck him and repeat whenever, forever.

But sadly however, it seems that Min-chul oppa hasn't died. So, my suicide is a bit delayed. No worries however, time isn't of the essence and while it may be precious, it is currently better spent watching him sleep, lapping up his drool.

Haahhh.... can life get any better? There is a problem when he returns and when Aria gets this news but...that... I'll take care of that tomorrow. Now however, this is more important.

(Hana POV END)

Waking up, I see that it's now daytime. What the hell? Why the fuck is my face so wet? Whatever, doesn't seem like anyone came in.

When I exited the medical tent, I see the heroes getting onto luxury carriages while the soldiers onto regular merchant carriages repurposed for war times. Looking inside, I see the seats are red and look comfortable while the soldiers are literally packed onto the carriages like sheep or sardines.

Following the instructions of the general and getting into carriage number 3, I see that Hana and a Japanese girl are waiting for me. Obviously, Hana jumped up and hugged me while letting out tears of joy; leaving snot and saliva on my shoulder. Fucking pig.

After going up to the general and asking him about the procedure that found heroes go through, they usually should return to their host country as soon as they are found. However, they found be in the middle of Jinjin waiting for rescuing which meant that I had enough power and freedom to do that. Especially in the mix of the barbaric demons, it showed I had real power that could help.

Leaving the camp and starting our long journey to the city of Dashi, I hear the soldiers on foot singing various war songs that have stood the test of time. Honestly, I don't know how I should go about this siege. Should I do this quickly and enter the city then kill everyone or should I delay our siege.

Well, thinking about it for a few moments, doing it quickly seems to be the best option since I need to quickly return to where Lyca is and retrieve my items. I'm sure that this type journey to siege all of the cities will take at least 6 months and at most about 2 years.

Thank God I told Lyca that if I don't return in 1 month, leaving the cave to go hunting and possibly setting up a farm is allowed.

As I fall asleep on Hana's shoulder, I can hear her heartbeat getting faster and faster by the second. Heheh, this is too funny. Teasing Hana is the best.

Holding my head closer to her shoulder, I can tell she enjoys this as much as I. But right now, I can't a good rest without dreaming about future plans. Those are the reasons humans have dreams; to plan for situations that may or may not happen in the future.

And I'm planning into the future alright. Just not too much since the effectiveness of plans depends on flexibility.

Lets get flexible, alright~?

#002, Wera Lane, Whittaker Village, Gwanya


"Sir! Sir! Another hero has been found alive!"

"Oh? How fortunate. Again, tell me the details, Jeffrey"

"Yes sir. A Fyr mage contracted with the Danlias. It appears from the excerpts of various maids and royal guards around the palace that he was very close to the queen"

After pondering over it for a while, the silhouette snaps his fingers in delight. This is his habit; snapping his fingers after discovering something or deducing some unsolved mystery that has been plaguing him.


"Yes sir. We have reason to believe that the hero found is Sir Morrigan's replacement"

"This Aria...hmmm, mind showing me the portrait of this hero?"

Rushing out and getting the file of Kim Min-chul's bank documents from Argent, he looks over it and sees the portrait of his face...

"Jesus...what the hell? Is that not Morrigan?"

"No sir, that is Kim Min-chul"

"What a shame, this boy is too young.... alright then, contact Rosé about this, tell her that failure to arrive will greatly disappoint me.... oh! Bring Rosé a gift from he when you arrive; something worth not to much"

"So the usual 500 gold trinket?"

"Yes please, that would be lovely"

After bowing and saying his greetings to his boss, Jeffrey thinks about that poor, poor hero who happens to resemble Morrigan. A LOT.

This is a really big shame and honestly, he is sure that Rosé and the other Danlias chose him because they know who Morrigan is and they also know about Aria's undying love for Morrigan; literally.

'Haaahhh...time to get to work'


(A.N) hallo! Recently, I've been focusing more and more on my second novel just stockpiling chapters and thinking of new idea for releases so forgive me if you notice either a drop in quality in this novel or maybe even some missed chapters. The missed chapters are very unlikely however.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed yourself, peace ✌️!