War for the Poor, Profit for the Rich

The journey to the middle point of Restinasia took a lot longer than I expected. 3 weeks was the estimate. We arrived after 2 months. Most of that was filled with our general refusing to face the music and continuing to doubt the decisions of his officers to report their failures.

We could have arrived after 3-4 weeks at most if the damn general just accepted fate and got over it. But no, constant threats, begging and denial of any wrongdoings were spewing out of the general's mouth like a leaky faucet.

Just going on and on and on about how their jobs will be lost, his job will be lost and more soldiers would be demoted and have their lives ruined; the officers didn't care understanding the office politics. Mostly because they were either:

1. Too annoyed with the current general to give a damn

2. They were lower ranked soldiers before and felt that a leader who doesn't care for their men isn't a leader, but a dictator.

And those officers that went against the general were all "demoted" but everyone knows that it's temporary. Once the word gets to the capital, those officers will definitely get either a promotion of some sort of medal.

"No! Think about the soldiers! You are ruining multiple lives, Weiss! Quentin! Listen to me!!!"

"You absolute coward, General Dunham. How many soldiers must you sacrifice to learn you damn lesson! Huh!?! I got here, to Major position with HARD WORK and you? Didn't you start out as a major? Why the fuck are you a general after 3 years of work!!!" (Weiss)

"General, you are acting in your own selfish reasons during a time of need; connections surely won't support some deadweight. And plus, Restinasia's men are joining in a few and what would they think of a cowardly General? You will make Count Hors lose face, no? (Quentin)

'Heh, it seems like the General has lost the support of the masses. I wonder if he will even come back to the capital alive'

After another war of words, the General goes back to his tent biting his thumb, obviously disturbed by the thought of losing his 80 silver a month job with benefits. He worked for multiple years in higher education to suck the cocks of children of the counts and viscounts who are the most active in the military.

And after about 10 years of being a lackey, his perseverance paid off. One of the children he sucked up to became the official head of their family and he was appointed to a major position with a competent General. As long as he followed instructions, he would rise quickly. And rise quickly he did.

Just 3 years of work led to him becoming a general of 10,000 men himself. The lowest rank general, sure, but still a General nonetheless. On the other hand, Weiss and Quentin are both loved by the common soldiers since they climbed to their rank through multiple shows of bravery and courage. If they wore all their medals, they probably wouldn't be able to run.

So, who would win: a General hated by the masses but with a backing or 2 majors loved by the masses but no backing?

It's quite obviously the General with backing. These majors really think that they can insult a higher ranked person without consequences? Even if that General gets demoted or discharged, you will be faced with disrespecting a higher authority.

With even that, the backing of the General will feel that their authority is being challenged by 2 lowly Majors. What can you do?

Corruption runs rampant in Earth and Calko isn't any different. The only difference is the circumstances of the corruption. In Earth, we start wars to make money for the lackeys of the government such as the oil companies, defense companies, etc while in Calko, they start the war for the demon horns.

Who knows, maybe the defense companies here in Calko such as Lambert are profit...no, they SHOULD be profiting from this event besides the horns. If they aren't profiting during this gold mine of a time, then they aren't run by the correct people.

After another few days, we finally arrive at the middle way point. Or to be more exactly, it seems like we are at the 70% way point due to the lateness of the message to Restinasia due to our beloved General.

"Take the General back to Destinasia; he will be tried for negligence of duties"

"I'm afraid we can't let that happen. Under the orders of Count Hors of Destinasia and Count Hors of Restinasia, General Dunham has complete control of the military he commands. We have gotten word about some insubordination from some soldiers, is that right, General?"

"Yes, yes!!! Major Weiss and Major Quentin were both questioning my leadership! I want them to be tried and hanged in the capital for treason!"

'And there goes the dynamite. Yelling at your boss won't get you anywhere but fired. Either suck it up and have him killed in action'

After the destroyed army gets brought back to Restinasia and Weiss and Quentin are put into shackles, we set off, back to where we came from, still under General Dunham due to stupid politics. The journey was very rough, especially since Dunham refused to listen to advisors and trudged into bogs, marshes and quicksand without a care in the world.

When we reached back to our old camp at Huotian, 20 or so soldiers died from their wounds or infections, many more are infected and yet the heroes and the General are all living large, in our beautiful carriages and enjoying the ride on our comfy sofas.

If there was a choice between using a wooden plank to save 5 soldiers almost suffocating in quicksand or to use it on a bit of the hero's carriage to conserve their comfort, those soldiers better say their prayers and last words since that wooden plank is going onto that damn carriage.

Feeding Loren was a problem since it looked like I was eating more than my fair share but what can the soldiers do? The General can't touch me so why can they? Seriously, if I go up to soldier, punch him in the stomach, eat his food and then fuck his wife, he has no choice but to either be a wife-less, starving person or someone hunted by most of the nations in this continent.

It's fucked, but it's fucked in my favor. Whenever the system screws people and bends them over, I prefer to be watching as they vomit their profits. I'm no bottom.

'Huh....it seems like the shadows may have come back and looted any supplies we left'

Indeed, there used to be barricades unbroken, food stuffs not eaten and water not drunk. This is too clean for a monster's job so it's most likely the shadows came back and profited from this. Not that I mind; it's not my stuff anyway.

We take whatever was left and set off to the 2nd to last city if all the army's battles go to plan and they win. If they do, it's the final stop, Zhongshi. Zhongshi is the central city of E Mo Zhi Di and is where al, the previous demon kings have been born. It is the most heavily guarded city in all of Calko and very few and freely enter and leave.

Heroes of the past documented the looks of the previous Zhongshi's but that was at least 1000 years ago, not very reliable.

Heading to our stop, Jinqiang, we start the preparations for the siege. This city is much more prepared than Huotian, Jinjin or the other besieged cities. They have cannons on walls, holes for throwing fuel, slits for slicing ladders with swords and even some bungee-like elastic rope to propel down, kill a few men and come back up with relative safety.

From the scouts and the words of the capital, Jinqiang has about 30,000 garrisoned troops. The exact positions aren't known but 30,000 is a lot. As usual, the bows, swords and other equipment they use is made by Lambert or DW Inc., obviously seen as a trivia matter to the various kings, queens and powerful people.

Sharpening their stakes, reinforcing the battering rams, adding roofs onto the ballistas and catapults, covering the wooden objects in melted wax and jello and writing letters for the messenger to send back to their families. They are required to send 1 letter for a check-up and 1 extra letter in case of death. The death letter is given when the soldier is confirmed to bekilled in action.

"Loren? You good?"

"Uhuh! Thanks master for the food!"

"No need. Stay here for a while, I'll let you get some fresh air"

Unlocking the padlock, helping her out and bringing her to a nearby forest was very tedious but as a woman and more specifically, my woman, she can't be seen all dirty and messy. I bring her to a nearby lake and let her wash herself, take a potty break and do other womanly needs.

"M-master? A-are you going to watch?"

"I'm not watching yet; I'm still waiting for you to start"


Blushing, she removes the little cloth I gave her and exposes her beautiful body. What a sight to behold, eh? Taking off my shirt and pants, I join her and make her de-stress me. What? Isn't this the job of an equipment?

After only 2 minutes, I start feeling the pressure building up in my prostate, seems like I'm really backed-up. I pull her head off and sit her down on my cock.

"Uguu! Awawawaaaa!"

"Hmm? Is something wrong?"

"N-nono...it's just...quite deep"

"Ah, that's what penises do"

Thrusting inside her again, she makes that weird noise. Smirking, I continue until that weird noise turns into womanly moans that would make any man hard the moment he hears her. Her beautiful voice combined with the blonde hair, blue eyes and perky tits are a very dangerous combo.

Another 5 minutes of fucking and she starts quivering while making unidentifiable noises from her throat. Giving her a deep kiss, she pull my face back and start licking my face like a damn animal.

"Aghhh...Loren, I'm cumming"

"Uhuh! Uhuh! Inside!!! Pweassseee"

Unloading my stress into her, I lay back on the soft grass with Loren on top of me, hugging my body with my penis still inside of her, what a woman, eh? Still my equipment but demands for love and care? I guess giving it to her has no downsides for me anyways.

Pulling her off of me, she makes a disappointed noise before I clean her up using the Anti-baby spell and such. Again, putting her into the luggage and going back to my tent, I feel content with my life. I can't wait to get out of here....


[.....huh? What is it?]

'Tell me what's going on. Why are you like this?'

[hehehehehe...you are still a little brat. My father just told me a very interesting tidbit about you and more specifically, his plans for you]

'Plans? Like my fate?'

[don't worry my son. You will know soon enough]


(A.N) hello! Another chapter back for you guys! Happy Saturday and hope you enjoyed, peace ✌️!