Inhale, Exhale

After all the girls' hard work, we all finished at about 3:00 a.m. or so. This meant that I had a lot of time to fix the people here up on a something to bring them out of this horrible time. Since I'm a no horn and during this time, most demons are using the "no horn, no service" policy, I need to get Lyca's girls to offer their services mixed with the roll.

After letting them sleep for about 5 hours, I woke them up to start the day of money making at 8:00 a.m sharp. A good day starts with one copper, after all. Deciding on the pricing, we priced them at 1 silver since during these times, silver and copper means nothing to these people.

They are basically giving useless metals to use for a great service and an even greater product that once they use, they can have it without the service. For the women and mothers that need to provide for their families, I can make them join Lyca for some more Barked Woof.

Barked Woof is the only blend that "fills your stomach". It's an appetite suppressant and it makes you feels sort of full. This will keep them from demanding food and when they start wanting food, that's when I let them go. They fulfilled their purpose and now they have no use to me.

They can...I don't know~~ buy some more rolls from me to suppress their and their kid's appetites as an escape from this immense hell they are in.

I mean, they cannot leave the city as they don't know if any soldiers are out there and the appearance of me, a human, has made them all the more vigilant. It's actually the opposite! I'm not anyone's side! Don't worry!

Anyways, after just 2 hours of offering their rolls to the hiding demons, I remember a glaring problem...these women were seen with me, a human. This is very annoying since demons are deathly scared and hateful of human right now.

'Hmmmm...I think I have an idea'

I go out onto the plaza's now dried up fountain and start holding up a mana crystals to my mouth with more planted around the demons' hiding places. I'm now about to talk to the masses of demons and what I say here can and will affect my income. My non-taxable income.

"Ladies and gentlemen! As you know, I am a human and yes, you did see the demons with me. I realize you aren't buying what I'm selling so I'm here to give out a predicament"

Just from my second sentence, I could almost smell the fuel, the mana crystals and the various other flammable and explosive materials they are ready to throw at me. Ahhh, the defiance of sentient species to superior beings is absolutely laughable.

'Well, I shouldn't toy with their feelings anymore. I'll get right to the point'

"I will offer you all a deal. You all should buy what I'm selling for 1 silver coin and if you don't...I'll take your coins my fucking self"

'Ahhhh, again with the fuel. Seems like their moving it to a pouch or maybe soaking a blanket in it. Let's bring the carrot now, shall we?'

"One roll of this is enough to rid you of your problems. Hunger, thirst, sadness and despair all gone with one simple smoke. Just put it in your mouth, light it up, suck in the fumes and exhale your worries away"

'Huh. Seems like they are still prepping their mana crystals but some stopped...not yet working'

"To show it's safe, I'll have one myself"

Taking a puff of the Barked Woof roll, I immediately feel it. It's been too long since I've done this and my body reacts pretty good to it despite the long absence.

"See? I now feel all happy and giddy. I will have my women put it on your front door step for you to give it a try and when you like it, feel free to come out and get a bigger roll for only 1 silver"

As I dispatch my women, I can tell there are people waiting at the door to attack them.

'With fuel. Tsk tsk tsk. Fucking savages. Didn't I give you enough? What more do you want? Freedom?'

I then tell my women to be extra careful and when they place the rolls, the demons didn't try attacking them because they were hidden below the view of the little peephole they have. Some curious and weirded out demons stick their hands out and take a roll while most leave it there.

After waiting for about 1 hour, I finally get a reaction. A man stumbles out of his house attic with sleepy eyes, a slight smile and a wobble in his step. It's either he did drugs or he did drugs. Most likely the former.


"Don't worry, Xander. The roll is safe! I tried it myself!"

From one of the houses, I heard "Xander" yell to "Kevin" but thankfully, with Kevin's testimony of it being safe, I'm sure some other demons, with their panicked minds, will start trying it. Maybe testing one puff and then another for good measure and another for good measure and another for good- you get the idea.

Again, after about 30 minutes, 3 more people pop out asking for the bigger and better roll. Soon, Kevin because a group 7 demons all asking for more. With 7, I think this might work. Yeah, it seems okay to strike.


"Give us another! We'll pay you!"

"Calm down calm down, my good friends. I really would like to give you more but it seems that your friends all don't want any. Do you mind bringing them to try it and then I'll sell it to you, okay~?"


My little missionaries answer enthusiastically and start off on their journey. They all split up and start going up to 5e door of the other demons and start telling them to come out and that if I was a bad guy, I would have killed them all....not too convincing bu tit seems to have worked on some demons.

They're aren't too bright but that makes it much easier so I'm not complaining. You shouldn't underestimate the desperate and the dumb. People make fun of people who join MLM's but they don't understand how stupid the average person is and they also don't remember that half of the people on earth is even stupider.

Consider that Calko is basically the medieval times with plumbing, energy and other modern concepts due to magic. What will happen when instead of innovation, people can survive with something that is already given to people at birth?

If you have at least the IQ of a banana, you should guess that the answer is stagnation. People have no need to innovate and no drive to improve their situations because of magic. Most people on this continent live their lives practicing magic while not knowing how to write.

Medieval times have medieval times education; shit. Basically, it's shit. The only below average education kids can get is at Sheppard in Destinasia, Landon & Brandt in Restinasia and Basset Financial Literacy Gwanya.

Combine the shitty education and the panicked minds of the demons and you get a wonderful, dummy combination.

And as usual, I was 100% correct. Most of the hiding demons smoked the rolls and came out of the house to ask for more. Now, I have a group 30 something addicted demons begging me for more. Ahhhh, the power is indeed addicting. This is what I was missing.

"Don't fight! I have enough for all of you; remember, 1 silver a piece!"

Eventaully, we calmed them down and I got a haul of 40 silver from 1 day. Another day of this and I'll be able to give Dunham the other half of his bonus pay. But next, I need to do the 2nd most important thing for my future.

I need to contact either Wor or The Blacksmith. Wor is most definitely gone but checking her cabin won't hurt at all.

Time to meet with that stupid fake kuudere.


(A.N) Morning/afternoon/evening peeps! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you have/had a wonderful day. As always, support is very much appreciated through your reviews, comments and when you add my book to your library. Again, I hope you enjoyed, peace ✌️!