Dream Team

Just last night, Anna and Hana were sent out to fill up the moat but this time, the demons were ready. They were ambushed and barely escaped. Thankfully, the only injuries were bruises and little scratches from running through the sharp branches.

Dunham, as usual, went into his tent in the middle of the meeting and blew off some stress with the help of Sasha and Hailee. The few hours were some of the loudest screams yet and when I saw Sasha again, she didn't even look like Sasha.

Her face was incredibly bruised, her stomach was blue and black and the little bits of stomach hair that was growing from the lack of maintenance fell off from the trauma.

The worst part however was that one of her horns was missing the tip and the other was quite cracked.

From what Lyca and Loren told be before, breaking your horns is like breaking your bones or stabbing yourself in the gut; it's immensely painful.

Knowing that he dared do this to Sasha, my "woman", I can only assume what Hailee currently looks like. It seems that my plans may have to move forward a bit if this behavior keeps up.

Even though the men personally don't care about Hailee or Sasha, I think Hana knows what the deal is with Sasha so they are appealing to the "they are annoying when they scream" rather than "they feel pain" side of the argument.

You can't expect a human to be accommodating for demons but deep down, everyone is disturbed by these actions, even me.

I mean, he is destroying my equipment in front of me so who wouldn't be mad?

As I comfort Sasha in my arms, I stare into the distance where the city is just sitting there, taunting us. The moment we are able to get there, you can only imagine what the soldiers will do to the captured demons.

As I return to my tent, I hear Anna and Hana plotting to fill up the moat tonight and I start eavesdropping on them, making sure my shadow isn't projected inside of the tent.

"Are we going again?" (Anna)

"Yes, but now, we have to fill the moat for real. We can't keep delaying; Min-chul probably is thinking this" (Anna)

"Hey! Don't even try t hi king what Min-chul would want!" (Anna)

Hearing their bickering only makes me more confused; is Anna not the one guiding Hana? Hmmm, Hana might be more of an asset than I made her out to be.

As I lie peacefully in my solo tent, I recall their conversation that lasted only a few sentences and phrases. I remember Hana saying "fill the moat up for real".

'Does that mean they didn't do it for real last time? She also said something about delaying, further proving my suspicions'

I shake my head and stop thinking about it too much. Overthinking isn't good for the brain, especially when I plan on staying up all night to follow them.

I start moving onto more important matters, mainly a problem called Michael. Michael has not been responding to my calls for the past few weeks now and it's worrying a bit.

He did say that his father told him something about me but I still don't know what that means. Sighing, I start my daily routine of trying to contact him.

'Michael? Oy, Michael. Come out; I got Blue Maloo'

I tried everything.

Everything from enticing him with drugs all the way to saying that I'll fuck a girl if he responds. Despite these temptations, his voice remains silent; annoyingly.

"Haaahhhh...Michael, can you give me snippet of something at least?"

[God, can you every shut up?]

Hearing his voice, my body jolts up and I start feeling excited. Finally! He responded!

'Oy, can you please tell me about why the hell you are so silent?'

[for how many times, I can't. Even if I wanted to, if I did, my father would REALLY punish me. Just know that: you are the catalyst and you are destined for very, very, very great things]

'Ughh...fine then. Great things await I guess'

I seriously want to punch his non-existent face but alas, I can't. He did give me my powers and assuming he can give it, I'm sure he can employ some tricks that make me lose my powers.

An example would be imprisoning me.

Nightfall comes quickly and similarly to nightfall, Anna's quick footsteps are heard. Right behind her are a more silent yet rhythmic pattern of running; it's me.

I'll tailing her to see what's up with the moat and I decided to follow them. I'm sure they can't see me since 1, it's too dark, 2, their dispositions say so and 3, even if they did catch me, I doubt they'd do anything harmful to my agenda.

"So again just to clarify. We DO it properly, right?" (Anna)

"Yup. Now, get to digging" (Hana)

Watching them was honestly like watching paint dry. Yes, they were quick at filling up the moat but the moat was really too deep for anyone to do it "quickly" per say.


Just as Anna bent over to push in her shovel more, an arrow comes flying past where her body would have been if she was standing straight. Hana notices this and her eyes go wide.

"Oy, it's another ambush!"


more and more volleys of arrows come flying at the pair and as they skillfully dodge it, they start looking around for any demons and in case they might be getting cornered; smart girls.

I think there was a third reason however...it's too see if any soldiers are there.

Think about it, if any soldiers wandered here to take a piss or maybe Dunham sent them to spy on the girls and the girls very easily get rid of the archers, would Dunham be suspicious?

No matter how dumb he might be, anyone could deduce that these girls could have finished much quicker and thus, are delaying for whatever reason. Dunham could then use this against the girls and though it may not help his case, it isn't any good for the girls either.

"What do we do?!?" (Anna)

"Uhhh...go, you can kill them" (Hana)

"Ahahaha! Thank you!" (Anna)

After hearing the orders from Hana, Anna climbs up the wall at a crazy fast speed. She used the outlying bricks and her general speed to scale the wall in barley anytime.

"What the-!"

"How the hell?!?"

"Hiya! I'm Anna, wouldya like to get intimate with my blade?" (Anna)

After introducing herself, she promptly stabs them without even waiting for them to finish their own introduction; rude. Rude but still, it's quicker than waiting so I guess it's fine.

She easily kills most of the archers shooting at Hana and her since...well, they are archers. They have knifes for self-defense but archery is their specialty and if you know archery and aren't a mental patient who believes they are a 9 year old, then you should know that archery is bad at short distances.

Even though there are some swordsmen and knife specialists up there, Anna swiftly takes care of them professionally and cleanly, only cutting their major veins and avoiding the bones.

The only reason I can see what is going on is because I'm up here too. What? I can't watch the fun?

'Anyways, she really is proficient at the knife'

Tea Room, Remiér Palace, Destinasia


"Uuughhhhh...Anastasia, gib mee another booottleee~"

"...haaahhh, your majesty, I highly suggest you calm yourself with the buzz, please. You have to make a speech after the final siege"

"Guuuu...now! Bottle!"

Anastasia can't help but shake her head as hand her boss another bottle of buzz. Under her own orders, all of the buzz has been diluted by almost 90% but the sheer amount of consumption from Aria even surprised her.

She wasn't even this sad when her real husband died and now?

She's destroying herself all because of a fake husband. It's insane.

Anastasia, having no choice, grabs the pendant that Aria is wearing. As she grabs it, Aria's bountiful breasts jiggle for a bit and rest; like slapping jello with a spoon.

"Ahhhhh!!! Gib it back gib it!!! Stopppp! Anastasia!"

Even if Anastasia were to slap the queen herself, Aria would never order her execution or even fire her. The reason is because Anastasia raised Aria and her brother alone.

If there was no Anastasia, there would be no Aria. Their parents were never around and when they died early, it only worsen the problem. Thankfully, they were already used to Anastasia raising them so their depression wasn't too severe.

Another reason for Aria's blind trust in Anastasia is because she knows that deep down, every little thing Anastasia does is for Aria's benefit.

"Your majesty, look at him. How disappointed do you think he would be seeing you like this?"

As Anastasia holds the pendant in front of Aria, she points out the perfectly painted rendition her beloved, "Morrigan". Seeing this snaps her out of her drunken state for a bit and sobers her up.

To hammer in the point that what she is doing is bad, Anastasia flips over the pendant and uses the gold surface as a kind of mirror for Aria and by God was what she saw horrifying.

Aria never thought that she could look so bad, ever. Her eyebags bigger than the sun, her eyes bloodshot like a zombie, her hair all frizzled up like a failed alchemist, her lips dry with buzz and worst of all, her nose facial has has started to grow back a bit.

Well, if you can even call it facial hair since even if you look up close, you won't find anything but for Aria, she sees herself with a full handlebar mustache.

"...sorry, Anastasia"

As Aria and Anastasia make-up from what Aria said before, someone from an entirely different country is smirking from his chair. It's the old man that everyone fears and respects at the same time.

From what Jeffrey gave Aria as a give, the golden pendant, has a mini mana crystal that was modified for sound use and it heard everything.

From the old man's perspective and from what he heard, Aria is currently drinking herself away, is slowly but surely cutting off Anastasia from her life and is generally breaking her body.

The old man can't help but cackle like a hyena watching an injured animal.

Jeffrey watches this all with a straight face and a smirk inside...


(A.N) yo! Sorry for the semi-late chapter but yeah! It's here! Please do remember to enjoy this book and please do support with comments, reviews, adding to library and voting with powerstones! Thank you and peace ✌️!