Rest Easy You Sad, Sad Man

After the execution of Dunham, all of his mot loyal officers were killed swiftly and with efficiency. Even the ones that proclaimed their loyalty to the heroes, we didn't save. Humans are naturally liars.

Humans are not to be taken for their words unless it's written on paper, signed with their name and you also need to be sure you can enforce that contract. Otherwise, it isn't wise to trust humans so blindly.

All the other armies were watching us with confusion, excitement and some nervousness. Confusion for those who know nothing of what a coup d'état is; the youngsters and the newbies just wanting a stable job.

Excitement for those who know who Dunham is and for those who love thrills. Nervousness for the older soldiers who know exactly squats going on and fear it may happen to their generals as well.

Don't worry, as long as your General isn't a scumbag, we'll let you free.

Seeing that our mini militia isn't attacking them, they calm down a bit more and relax their weapons.

After a mutiny or a rebellion, the soldiers are celeberating, they are ecstatic, their adrenaline is through the roof and for the most part, that was true.

It was true for the French Revolution and they even gave it a holiday; the Bastille Day.

Our situation is much more different however. For the French, they had corrupt leaders that everyone wanted gone. So, some wealthy citizens banded the peasant folk and successfully overthrew their government using teamwork.

For us however, we were ruled by a corrupt leader but we didn't get here with teamwork, we got here because of my and the girls' hard work. WE made this happen, not THEM.

WE as in Hana, Anna and I, THEY as in the equipme- soldiers.

Yes it was anticlimactic, yes it was very somber and yes we didn't even need to use the 6,000 something men that Anna and Hana gathered under them but the point is that we won.

WE won. THEY lost.

No one cares about the loser, everyone listens to the winner. There will be fables, tales and epics of this story from our perspective and tavern songs, bard parodies and comedic plays from Dunham's perspective.

Consider that I, a handsome and tall young man, is the hero of the story and I defeat Dunham, the ugly and short man. Now, who would favor who when you are writing a song or a okay about this story?

Well, unless you are mentally ill and or read the UB tag, you will choose the handsome man and his women as the heroes of the story. It's a perfect replica of the knight versus the dragon.

The other Generals look in my general direction and give me an aporoval nod. I've paid them more than 5 years worth of their salary and they will testify for me in the court of Bumi.

I'm a bit scared to reach Darcy considering my slight ties to Demons and my questionable survival of the Massacre of Bol but I guess the lawyer assigned to me from Danlia could help me out.

As I finish the clean up of the bodies of Dunham by burning them over on the side of the forest, I turn my attention back to the walls; yeah, we so won this one.

It wasn't an easy battle as 7 out of the 10 flying machines were destroyed by the demons and nearly 10,000 men perished climbing or fighting on the walls but we still won.

The walls are now slightly showing their weaknesses as I and the other mages start focusing our fire from the soldiers to the wall.

After nearly 10 minutes of shooting and mana replenishing, we finally get that section down and the consequent falling bricks create a quasi-bridge that some of the soldiers use to finally get into the damned city.

Well, I say city but it's all empty. The only people left are the soldiers and they are nearly all dead.

The wooden houses were secretly burnt and looted, the horses killed and burnt too and the water supply from the well contaminated with deadly amounts of mana crystal; trust me, a soldier tried.

After taking a big sip, he felt fine until about 20 minutes after drinking the water. His eyes started bleeding, he couldn't hear anything, he was vomiting immense amounts of blood and his nose was pouring like a hose.

He died 2 minutes later from mana overload induced blood loss. A truly horrific death.

We realize that there isn't anything left for us so we just roll with it. We will need even more fire power for the final siege of the capital where the Demon King is and waiting is definitely an option.

We start setting up our camp in the city and while setting up my tent, Hana and Anna come up to me to discuss the result of Dunham's death.

We never talked about being allies but I guess it just happened. Neither of us needed to make a pact or say it to the other's face but we just understood that I'm helping them and they are helping me.

"Oppa! How'd it go?"

"Is there any concerning things?"

Contrasting to Anna's slightly non caring question, Hana is more worried about the reactions of the people. Obviously, she knows how much of a dick Dunham is but his followers are very loyal.

"There isn't anything to worry about. The men aren't too surprised that Dunham is dead"

Well, we are allies but even allies need distance. They have no idea about the contract making and my collection of equipment. All they know is that I talked to the groups and convinced them to follow me.

Sorry, I guess?

As I lie awake in my own tent, I start thinking about the past few days. Right now, I'm the most powerful person in Dunham's former army considering that Anna and Hana take my advice.

I can influence a lot with this power but this will bring the unwanted attention of the royals who backed Dunham. As a hero, they can't do anything to me but a trial is necessary.

If Aria doesn't know I'm alive, then this will certainly alert her. You can't hide something as high profile as a hero allegedly overthrowing a General.

'This will be a pain to handle but the rewards of the men are very much worth the trouble'

As I lie on my side, I hear the tent zipper of the girls maybe?

Expecting Hana or Anna, it was unexpectedly Sasha.

Now that she has no master, she isn't treated as badly as before but since she has no master, there isn't anyone to protect her when the soldiers decide to bully her.

I can't stand up for her nor can the other heroes, no matter what happens. If you hate it, close your eyes and stop listening to the screams.

This leaves the other problem however...I don't need her. Yes, she has grown on me after our experiences together but I don't need her in my life, much less for my advancement in social standings.

I can't just kill her as people might witness, I can't sell her horns and then her since her horns are damaged goods and I can't just turn her into a dumb sex equipment because I know I'll get tired of her easily.

I need to think about the emotions of Lyca and Loren for a bit.

Lyca was upset at Loren but understood it, I needed another secretary as my workload increases but once I bring back Sasha, she has no place there.

With Loren, despite being an airhead, she learns fairly quickly and has a drive to learn how to do math and how to read. With Sasha, she is just dependent on me, nothing else.

This is troublesome...

While hugging my back, she starts whispering her whimpers and silent thank yous to me for freeing her. Ahaha, I'm so sorry about what I'm going to do.

I decided to kill her. I can't kill in front of an audience but in the forest should do.

It's a shame I need to get rid of this great sex toy but it must be done.

I start responding to her little whispers and after a while, she leaves me tent to return to her own. It wouldn't be good if I was seen with a demon, now would it?

I wait...and wait for her to leave that tent to go potty and after maybe an hour or so, she finally leaves to take care of her business in the woods.

I sneak out of my tent and hold my knife to her throat; well, I'd better give her her last words.

"Kuh!...w-w-w-what? M-m-Min-chul? What is this about?"

She is obviously confused as she doesn't understand basic things. I don't need you so I'm getting rid of you. Isn't that simple to understand?

"I will give you 30 seconds for your last words"

Realizing that I really mean to kill her, she stops her talking and starts thinking. By the 14th second, she realizes why I'm doing this.

" were using me?"

"And you were as well. 17 by the way...18....19....20"

She starts laughing manically hearing my answer.

'Huh, I guess I the face of death, people may lose their minds. Interesting...'

" are a sad, sad man and yet...I can't help but still care for you. I hope you rest easy, you bastard"

"I will....30. Au revoir, little demon. I'll see you in hell soon"

Sliding the blade lengthwise across her throat, I wipe myself up using her cloths and start walking away, making sure to keep the knife on my body as close as possible.

I stealthily make my way back to the tent and sleep peacefully, dreaming of a world where I am king.

'Hehehe Sasha. I guess I do rest easy'


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you readers and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please do consider supporting this book with voting with powerstones, reviewing, commenting and adding to library! Thank you so much and peace ✌️!