Demon Queen?


"Tsk, damn it..."

As I just barely dodge another strike from the monstrously strong demon king, I check my body with a little pat down. When I reach my bicep, I cry out in shock.

My take a peek at my fingers and there's a wound. I was cut.

'Shit, I'm being tired out. Everytime I try using my magic, the demon king somehow defends against it or dodges it'

Due to use being in a cave, I have to be more mindful about my flames. I am still human after all and flames eat up oxygen like a fat person at a buffet.

If I use too weak flames, it won't pose a threat to the demon king and if it's too strong, I might suffocate both of us to death. All of our men are dead and are burnt to a crisp.

It's truly a shame. The smallest horns among them was a whopping 19 centimeters. That's millions of gold right there, down the drain.

Well, it's fine. This demons king should be a good haul...if I can just control my flames to not turn their horns into dust.

" have the Phoenix with you, don't you? How the hell did you get Phoenix with you?"

"Well...I made him feel good in his mouth"

"Ha. Ha. Fight me like a warrior, why don't you?"

"Your horns are too important"

Hearing me mention his horns again, he flies into a rage while screaming incoherent sentences with the occasionally occurring "horns", "disrespectful" and "annoying".

He also called me a fly and a dung beetle so that's nice.

Since this battle is most likely going to end in a stalemate, I start trying a different tactic.

Shooting some rays of light and some bullets of fire right beside the demon king, to scare him. He starts moving more and more, side to side trying to dodge my bullets.

"Hahahahaha!!! You. Can't. Beat. True. Power! You are on loaned strength, bratty human!"

"Uhuh, and with your horns, I'll be able to give loans to countries"


again, with my provocation, he starts trying to rush me head on, only to be scared away by my constant firing of bullets at him and near him. Again, I move in a way so that he's facing the east side of the cave.

Due to the water droplets dripping, the rocks eroded a irregular rates and thus, created an irregular ceiling with tons and tons of little sharp edges and spikes.

My fire, while not being hot enough to melt them, is slowly but surely exposing the rocks to temperatures that would soften them and when the demon king dodges or hits a wall with his sword or body, it causes a vibration.

When the walls vibrate, the ceiling vibrates. And when the ceiling vibrates, the heated rocks slightly loosen before hardening again.

This goes on for a few more minutes. Jumping around, dodging and shooting rays of fire at him whil eh charges at me like a rhino with a sword in hand and fully blacked out armor.

Being totally honestly, he looks so cool. The red horns that contrasts with the black is a beautiful combination. Combine that with the perfect fitting and you get beauty from war.

As he dodges, he makes a blunder. Being so distracted with my aiming at his waist, he forgets about his torso and gets hit. He flies back a bit and coughs up some blood from his helmet grills.

"KUUAGHHH! Aha aha ahem, grrrr....damn it!"

He gets up once more, as he's been doing, but there's something different. Don't get me wrong, he's definitely still very fast with his dashes, but it seems more...dirty?

Comparing it to before, his aim is off, I can feel his tiredness and most importantly, it seems as if his charge is losing its power. This is good.

So what is it? A ruptured lung? Maybe some sort of broken rib rubbing against his lung? A bruised rib cage? A total eclipse of the heart? So many different versions.

The one I'd prefer the most would be a rib rubbing against his lung. That would make it unbearable to turn his body even a little. Just breathing would feel as if someone was punching you in the chest with knifes on their knuckles.

The longer we go on, the slower and less power he gets. The stones are still getting damaged, but he is slowly but surely losing his mojo. It seems that I don't need to even use my little impaling trick?

It's a shame, but it's safer. Boring is best.

And so, I to9 my time. Like a lion watching an injured baby gazelle, I was biding my time until it collapses onto its own weight, full of fatigue and helplessness.

Another few minutes pass and the signs are more visible.

When he passed by me, barely missing me and running into a wall, his ragged breathing was escalating. From breathing hard, it turned to breathing hard and wheezing.

A punctured lung is totally possible now. If not, it's that his throat is tightening up. Both are good. The less oxygen to the brain and organs, the slower his reaction times are to my attacks.

'Hmmmm, shall I test this out? It seems intriguing'

I shoot three flame bullet straight at him. One aiming for his solar plexus, one for his crotch and one to his left, since that's his preferred dodging point.

Even with his habit of dodging to the left, he ended up dodging it without problem. Maybe a little scuff on his armor, but that's it.

But now? He couldn't even dodge the left one. Hell, it didn't look like he even saw it coming. This is the perfect indicator of oxygen not getting tot he brain. By now, the match has been decided.

If I lose this, then I'll seriously deserve to die.

Thankfully, I don't. Seriously, I'm not stupid enough to think that his lungs are DEFINITELY injured. For all I know, he could have been playing 3D chess and got hit by the bullet on purpose.

However, all those chances came crashing down when he...well, came crashing down. After a very tense 15 minute battle with his damaged innards, he just collapsed against a wall.

As I approach him carefully, I can't feel the absolute hatred and disdain he has for me. I would too, to be honest. Who wouldn't hate me? Hell, even I understand I'm pretty different from others.

"So...demon king? What is it? Punctured lung? Bruised rib? Broken heart?"


As I'm trying to figure out what the hell is wrong with him to satisfy my curiosity, he spits at me, the barbarian. As I'm still not letting my guard down, I'm able to dodge it with space left to spare.

"Woah!...that's a bit rude. Can you even spit with that shitty lung of yours? I'm assuming now since you're uncooperative"

"Huuuuuhhhh! Haaaahhhhhh...fffuuuckkkk...yyoooouuuu...haaahhh"

"Okay, Darth Vader"

Really, he sounds like he's been a chain smoker of tobacco for 4 decades. While I'm sitting in front of him, waiting for his last breath, it finally comes.

Unknown to me, he was already his last thoughts...

'Damn it...don't cry don't cry. Don't. Cry. Be strong my son!'

The wheezing from the helmet goes quiet, and as if the weight of the world falls off of my shoulders, I collapse on the ground right beside him.

Even with a Phoenix body, it's still craving for sleep...but I can't. It's too dangerous to sleep in his area. Especially with the loose spikes, I don't want to wake up without my legs.

I pick myself up and start taking off the helmet like I'm from Scooby-do and...aahhhhh, what the fuck?

'The demon king is a demon queen?'

WAIT! what the hell?!?! Why are the horns coming off with the helmet?...shit shit shit!!! Did she already cut hers off and replace them with counterfeits?!?! FUCKING BITCH!

....hhoooooohhhh...calm calm calm.

I start reassessing this situation. Well, I can at least take her armor...

I start stripping her and as the armor comes off, it reveals her breasts which are bandaged tightly so as to not reveal her assets. On her right chest, there's a massive bruise that's already colored purple and green.

So it WAS a lung.


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you readers! Please do consider supporting this novel if you enjoyed it with your powerstones and by commenting! Thanks and peace ✌️! Love ya!