Bye Bye Abby

Another week passed in the camp and finally, the generals commanding the armies got the go-ahead to start the final assault in the capital. In this time, Lyca was able to send Fredrick back.

Well, by Fredrick, I mean a husk of him. Right now, he looks exactly like a zombie, only being kept alive by a mana tank on the horse filled with liquid mana that is pumping into his heart and keeping it beating.

I'm sure took that mana tank from my reserve storages and to be honest, I'm not angry. She used resources that will benefit me right now. Considering Lyca's disposition, she wouldn't use this without reason.

I'm sure she is wanting herself and I to use this Fredrick zombie as our confidential letter delivery system. If he gets caught, we can just kill him.

The paper I use for my letters are already designed to change their contents when opened by the wrong hands by using mana. Obviously.


As I try to reach for the beige colored return letter with a flowery calligraphy on the front of the letter, Fredrick tries and fails to grab me by the collar.

His current state compared to him before is really pitiful. When I first sent him off, he was a classic clean-shaven and good looking westerner.

Right now however, his skin is pale, his hair is now balding, his nose looks non-existent, her lips are naturally pursed, he is missing a couple front teeth and his back is hunched due to scoliosis and lack of calcium.

Looking at the state of this man strapped on the horse, his slurred voice was calling out to me, begging for food, and then cigarettes, and then food and so on and so forth.

With a burnt out cigarette in between his tooth gaps, I replace it with a cigarette that I was smoking,but dropped into mud.

He disregards the disgusting, sticky and disease-ridden-ness of the cigarette and eagerly lights it up. With a blissful expression, he lays back on the horse and I'm now able to get the letter.

'This could be a good form of extra protection...'

I lead the horse over to some horse feed which was hay and some leftovers from the soldiers and enter my tent to start reading the letter.

In the tent was Aya playing around with some stress balls I made out of stone. It was a simple process really. All you really need to do is to shine it until it's a perfectly round ball and then burn it with fire to smooth out the imperfections.

It's as simple as that and honestly, I never regret making this thing. It keeps Aya busy, entertained and happy while making her leave me alone...well, sometimes.

"Papaaaaaa...I'm boredddd~~"

"Wait a minute, okay? Papa is doing something important. Play with Yamasaki-san or Hana or Anna or something"


As she gets up from her sleeping bag that she brought in, she happily slips away to bother someone other than I. Thankfully, this is one of the times where she is more obedient.

'Maybe it's because she can sense my seriousness? Kids can sense their parent's emotions better than anyone else, so that might be the reason'

I carefully take my letter opener and slide it under the flower wax seal that I bought Lyca almost a year ago now.

Inside the envelope was a rose, a small bottle of perfume and a letter that read:


"Dear master,

I thank you for your beautiful writing and you have no idea how excited Loren and I are t receive your beautiful handwriting. Words cannot describe our happiness. -Lyca


I know that master is a really smart and a really cool and a really strong person, bu it'd like to clarify things for you and mostly, for myself. I know master is observant and that he surely saw the "Fredrick" that you sent over.

He looks like that because when he was here, I had a great idea that was sponsored by you. If we can use him for free labor, why do we have to reward him?

I know master is all about loyalty and respect, but it would be easier for master to handle this man if he was deprived of food. I hope you don't punish Lyca for this and that you please reward her.

She is a good girl who is beautiful and is cool and helpful to master forever and ever. Thank you and byby -Lyca

Master! Loren laerned hoe to right her name alredy and some other words! I hope master is prod of my progres and that master is cool and epik and nice and reward Loren for her heard work. -I'm dumb Lyca again, not cool Loren

Love, Lyca & Loren"


Looking at the contrasting handwriting between the two, I wryly smile and caress the paper. Lyca has a very mechanical handwriting that almost looks like she printed it out.

She is just like that; prim, proper and always uptight until she meets me.

Loren on the other hand was still struggling with spelling and her handwriting was still sloppy, but constantly improving. Seeing her progress in real time brings me immense joy and pride.

She's like a tree that I planted and now, she's a heathy spout. That little paragraph by Loren at the end was really cute as well.

You could see the effort that Loren and even Lyca out into this letter, with Lyca trying to please me through the letter and Loren trying to copy Lyca's handwriting as best as possible.

I write back to them the usual obligatory letter that some war husband would send his family.

First start it off with a thank you, then some praises for the girls. This usually is enough for them, but it's a bit rude. After the compliments, I get straight to the point and after that paragraph or two, compliment them again.

Then, compliment and thank them for their service and then to finish it off, make a promise that you will return home. Easy peasy lemon za-beebee-zee.

As I'm placing the letter into the pocket of the tattered Fredrick, I remember the one thing that I forgot to send to them. Well, not really forgot. The first trip was more of a trial run and sending little Abby there might be bad.

I take Abby from the two girls now turned three girls. Apparently, it seems that they were teaching Aya how to take care of Abaddon which is...good? I'm not sure, but I know it isn't bad.

"Sorry girls, I need Abby for now"

"Awww, do ya really?"

"Yes, sorry Hana. I'll make it up to you later"

Her face was filled with sadness, but hearing my next set of words set her ears ablaze with a red tint. She knows what I meant and I know what I meant. Well, so did Anna.

"Ahh! Uhhh, do you really have to take him away?"

Hearing Anna suddenly refuse my decision to take Abby away, I wryly smile and pat her head. This incenses my daughter, Aya, greatly. Luckily, I noticed this and started patting both of their heads.

"Don't worry. I'll make it up to both of you...and Aya, so that you don't get jealous, you'll have a "papa day" next time"

"I-I'm not jealous!"

"Oh, then I guess there is no need for a papa day then, right?"

"Uuuuu...I'm not jealous, but I still want a papa day!"

Realizing her words, she storms out of the tent with a blushing face and sm9e coming out of her ears. I shake my head and finally take Abby in his crate to Fredrick the dead.

The horse finished her food a while ago and was waiting for instructions. Luckily, she has two mana tanks just for her so that she doesn't look like Frederick anytime soon during the journey.

I smack her ass and send her off in the direction of Lyca.


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful and handsome readers! I hope you enjoyed this chapter today and 5at you had an amazing day!

Thank you to those who are continuing to support this novel of much. You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

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Thanks so much and see ya when I see ya! Love ya and peace ✌️!