Lot #69

As the heavy wooden doors lightened by magic open up, it reveals a sight to behold. In a single room in the underground of the Whittaker Hotel, there were people here worth entire dukes.

The combined net worth of everyone in this room was double that of the rest of Destinasia. These 100 or so people are worth more than the 100,000,000 or so people living in Destinasia. That includes professionals and even nobility.

From what I heard, Aria would be here, but very isolated. As the queen, she got her own little watching box that focused solely on the auction stage.

On the ground floor was the bidders and in the front row was two red seats. In these red seats were the current chairman and CEO of the DWI Defense Company, Daniel Whittaker X and Daniel Whittaker XI.

...yeah, not very clever. Before it was Daniel, it was Charles for about 6 generations, and then Paul for 8 generations, Fredrick for 3, Henry for 15 and finally, we reached Daniel.

The D stood for Defense, but one of the Whittaker ancestors a couple centuries ago named his son Daniel so that it matched with the company's name. This caught on quite quickly in their family.

And now, all creative has been drained from them.

The boys were either named Daniel, Dorian, Damien or Damon while the girls were named Daniella, Danny, Denise or Dahlia.

Focusing not on their names, the problem was the catalog they gave out. On the front page was my horns that I gav- had stolen from me.

Fulcrum was even here attending and when he saw me with Rosé, he had a bitter expression before faking some smiles and leaving to the bathroom.

I don't plan on talking with him since I'm afraid he might notice something with intuition. No matter how hard you hide it, humans have a weird sixth sense to sense when something is wrong.

That's what I want to avoid at all costs. Any hesitation from Fulcrum or the the Whittaker's will not be good for the plan.

"Alright, ladies, gentlemen and possibly children! Welcome to the auction of the millennia! I'm Frank from DAV Auctioneers and I'd like to give a big thank you to the Whittaker family for sponsoring this event!"


"Lovely. Thanks so much Daniel!"

As the fake praises and empty applause fills the room, the Whittaker's in the front don't mind. In fact, they are relishing in it. They have a massive smile on their face as they hear the praises.

Empty praises they may be, but praises nonetheless. If they say it enough him it will become truth. Saying that WW2 was good is a stupid thing to say, but if you say it enough, your brain subconsciously keeps that thought in there.

It isn't radical nor is it big. The thought lingers, making you wonder if it was really good. After all, you have been saying it for a while, why was it bad?

That's the way the human psyche works. Humans believe something much more if they say it themselves. It's that self assurance that catches us off guard. We are so sure about our stance that we don't believe in any other truth.

That's how Karens and such appear so often.

Anyways, I digress with my psychological analysis of the crowd.

"However, we do have an honored guest! Everyone, please do now your head, hand to your hearts and greet the wonderful and benevolent ruler of Destinasia, Aria of the Remiér family!"


"My queen! You are so dashing today!"

The applause much more real and filled with vigor since the queen did a lot to help these business people. She may be a submissive woman in bed, but she the queen.

She can't back down for mere businessmen during negotiations. Bed and politics are two different things that she can differentiate, and I respect that.

The auctioneer with a clean shaven face and a slightly balding top named Frank waits a bit for 5e applause to calm down before speaking. Seeing his time, he capitalizes.

"Alrighty, let's not bother the queen who is trying to enjoy her day. A busy woman needs her rest, alright? Anyways, let's begin this wonderful auction sponsored by DWI with lot #01!"

A sommelier comes out with the full sommelier outfit: white gloves, black suit, bow tie, white dress shirt that's slightly flamboyant, black dress pants and beautiful shoes.

In front of him was a metal pushcart with a wooden crate covered by satin blankets. When he dramatically revealed what was underneath, it was a wooden crate of three wine bottles.

They were aged for 30 years and now are being sold. The prices were fairly high as the brand was reputable and established, but nothing insane when compared to the horns.

However, Frank isn't complaining. He is getting a 0.1% commission on all of these lots. So let's say that the horns pop up and they are bought for 1 billion gold. A lot of money right?

0.1% of 1 billion gold would come out to 1 million gold. With 1 million gold, he can fuck as many bitches and retire for the rest of his life. If he is careful, his grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren's grandchildren will live comfortably with that amount.

It's a lucrative market for a lucrative piece. The wine was sold for nearly 3,000 gold. It's expensive, don't get me wrong, but what is 0.1% of 3,000 gold?

That's right, a measly 3 gold. It's nothing a regular man would make, but to become a well-tenured auctioneer, you need to spend tens, even hundred of gold just to have the chance. It's a lucrative business for few.

Soon, lots two comes up, which was a paining done back in the year 2540 of the Darcy calendar. This is a multi century year old piece that would catch a good price.

Canvas here usually degrades after the first 200 years of proper care and use. To have a piece be in pristine condition must have been insanely expensive.

That lot sold for a much better 125,500 gold. It's much better for Frank compared to that wine. The third lot was a magic book filled with spells.

From what I can see, these auctioned items are all from the E Mo Zhi Di, or the demon land raids. They probably stole the wine and painting from a demon's mansion while the magic book had some demon symbols.

It's most likely use for the rest of its life would be a trophy for some merchant. It's a sad ending to a probably useful book.

Then, another 5 hours pass. In between that time, I was offered food two times. Rosé kept asking me if I wanted anything, but I didn't.

I wasn't being modest, I just didn't find anything I liked. It was all weird for my earthling taste. Anyways, I don't have a place for trophies just yet.

I don't even have an official house for fucks sake!

Soon, the inevitable comes. On lot #69, the last lot, came the horns. The horns was the spectacle of the auction. Once they brought it up there, I knew I won.

The rules for auctioning this were changed a bit. Instead of everyone auction for the highest price, only those with blue auction cars, A.K.A the billionaires could bid.

The minimum increase in each bet would be 500,000 gold and this time, the Whittaker's could bid as well.

In the corner, an old man's eyes were shining. Rosé saw this and wanted to laugh out loud. She probably can understand what is coming, or some form of it.


(A.N) yo! Another chapter for you beautiful and handsome readers! I happen you enjoyed this chapter and that you had a great day and that tomorrow will be even amazing!

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Love ya and peace ✌️! Thanks and see ya when I see ya!